Salam. Life’s been hectic for the past weeks and I haven’t update my blog regularly. So, in this entry, I just want to share few tips on becoming a best student based on my experience after five year in IIUM.
Thanks to Along for asking me this question in the chatbox. Since the question is quite general, I’ll share few tips, which is applicable for active university students, especially for students from art and design school.
Table of Contents / Kandungan
1. Get noticed!
Its about connecting you and your lecturer. My strategy is to be punctual for classes and ask question during the lecture. It is important because the lecturer will notice you and it can help them when giving marks for your assignment. Other way to get noticed is to sleep during the lecture but it’s not gonna be a good impression.
2. Breakfast
Lots of students used to skip breakfast. But I’ll try my best to eat at least Gardenia or Sweetie buns. You may read more about the benefits here. It works for me and I believe it works for you too.
3. Excel in coursework
It is important to get your course outline when semester begins. Study the percentage of coursework, quiz and exams. For design student, usually its a 10% attendance, 50-60% for all minor projects and 30-40% for final project. Next, understand the grade, A = 85-100%, A- = 75-84%. I guess you know how to score the subject. 8% attendance, 45% minor and 25% final and you will get 78% which is A-. Pretty easy huh? [Via]
4. Have a regular nap and sleeping hours
I used to have a nap either before or after Zohor prayer. This is important to make sure you can focus on evening classes. Don’t stay up late at night doing your work. If you really have to stay up, at least you should sleep at 2am and continue your work after Subuh prayer. Doing work or studying in the morning is good for memorization and focus!
5. Allocate Budget for Stationary and tools
When you got your scholarship or study loan, provide some allocation for stationary and tools. Ask your seniors or lecturer what you should have for the courses on that semester. Don’t buy everything at once because you might not use them after all. Don’t be too stingy but spend wisely.
6. Your project is your portfolio
I always stick to this saying even if its a minor project. By treating your project as your portfolio, you are sure to do the best in your work. In addition, you also should treat your project which shall be qualified for a design competition. Then you can come up with a good design.
7. Good time management
Everyone has 24 hours in a day. Manage your time wisely to go for classes and doing assignment. If you involve with university programs, you’ll have more responsibility for meetings and activities. My tips; don’t sleep in the morning. Go to the office in the morning to meet the officers. If you meet them in the afternoon, I’m afraid your application will be processed on the next day.
8. Why so serious?
After all, everything seems so serious. Yeah, you also should spare some time for fun; play computer games, play bowling, swimming, ice skating and the list goes on. It is important to reduce stress.
9. Good references
With the internet technology, students have unlimited resources of reference. Just google and you will find it. Don’t forget to subscribe their RSS feed or become a member to get updates and some freebies too.
10. Help your friend
By helping your friend and studiomates, you can become better on the subject. Don’t be too reserved with what you have. Share it with your friend, teach them Photoshop, 3DS Max and Flash. After all, you got nothing to lose!
11. Attitude
Attitude is the main ingredient if you want to become a successful person or a best student. Those points mentioned earlier won’t work without the right attitude.
12. Perform prayers, even when you are busy
As a Muslim, it is important to submit ourselves to Allah. After all the hardwork (make sure it is a hardwork), I believe Allah will reward those who works best (Itqan) yet still remembers Him, InsyaAllah.
I think there’s more but I just want to share my best practice. Different people have different styles. My last word, you can be the best in the university but the real challenge is to be the best in life and hereafter. Till then, all the best!
Credits to GoMediaZine : Surviving Design School.
oh yeah..
get noticed ! i like it
apparently, some of the lecturers noticed me because i am talkative ;p
Yes. sure do. I also like to get noticed. but not too much la. otherwise, the lecturer will always call my name.. 😛
oh yeah..
get noticed ! i like it
apparently, some of the lecturers noticed me because i am talkative ;p
Yes. sure do. I also like to get noticed. but not too much la. otherwise, the lecturer will always call my name.. 😛
best la adlan…
thanks angah. angah pun bleh jadi best jugak..
best la adlan…
thanks angah. angah pun bleh jadi best jugak..
Shared in Fb. Mohon izin. Hu~
la shukran alal wajib. silakan. sebarkan benda yang baik.
Shared in Fb. Mohon izin. Hu~
la shukran alal wajib. silakan. sebarkan benda yang baik.
cngrats br adlan 🙂
and thanks for sharing..loves this~
mintak sungguh2 dgan Allah then pergi stady sungguh2..hehe. Sumtimes this make sense sbb we usually think, usaha kuat dulu baru doa dan tawakkal 🙂
terima kasih as..
not a big deal. sekadar perkongsian pengalaman je.
yep. as pun faham kenapa saya letak tawakal tu last sekali.. that’s the formula kan..
cngrats br adlan 🙂
and thanks for sharing..loves this~
mintak sungguh2 dgan Allah then pergi stady sungguh2..hehe. Sumtimes this make sense sbb we usually think, usaha kuat dulu baru doa dan tawakkal 🙂
terima kasih as..
not a big deal. sekadar perkongsian pengalaman je.
yep. as pun faham kenapa saya letak tawakal tu last sekali.. that’s the formula kan..
Alan, no 12 tu hang tukaq pi jadi no 1. :p
Hehe. Awat takleh nombor 12 pulak.. aku saje letak last supaya orang akan ingat yang last tu. Selalu point yang awal-awal tu orang tak ingat sangat. hehe yeke..?
Alan, no 12 tu hang tukaq pi jadi no 1. :p
Hehe. Awat takleh nombor 12 pulak.. aku saje letak last supaya orang akan ingat yang last tu. Selalu point yang awal-awal tu orang tak ingat sangat. hehe yeke..?
Yes! You are my idol. Ceewaahh! Seriously, Saffa nak jadi best student gak! InsyaAllah! =)
Bagi Saffa, mesti ada ‘MATLAMAT’ yang jelas dan kukuh.. Tu antara tips untuk berjaya gak. Masa first sem Saffa ada matlamat. Bila 2nd sem & 3rd sem.. Cam dah.. lantak lah. Terus result menurun dan menurun.
BTW, Bloggers Tee tu nak?
Haha. You make me flattered. InsyaAllah Saffa pun boleh jadi best student.
Tapi seriously, saya tak fikir sangat pasal matlamat tu. Tak kisah pun apa nak jadi, yang penting kena skor.
BTW, Bloggers Tee bila nak sampai yek..? hehe
Yes! You are my idol. Ceewaahh! Seriously, Saffa nak jadi best student gak! InsyaAllah! =)
Bagi Saffa, mesti ada ‘MATLAMAT’ yang jelas dan kukuh.. Tu antara tips untuk berjaya gak. Masa first sem Saffa ada matlamat. Bila 2nd sem & 3rd sem.. Cam dah.. lantak lah. Terus result menurun dan menurun.
BTW, Bloggers Tee tu nak?
Haha. You make me flattered. InsyaAllah Saffa pun boleh jadi best student.
Tapi seriously, saya tak fikir sangat pasal matlamat tu. Tak kisah pun apa nak jadi, yang penting kena skor.
BTW, Bloggers Tee bila nak sampai yek..? hehe
Wahm bagus giler adlan. Kagum2~
Thanks Aziz…
Wahm bagus giler adlan. Kagum2~
Thanks Aziz…
thanks for the tips!
for me, getting notice tu.. hrmm..
no way boleh dpt higher mark or whatnot haha psl kitorang bila kena mark utk coursework, tak guna nama, guna student number
but still, better kalau lecturer kenal 😀
senang nnt hehe
Sure do.. yep I still remember time matric, memang lecturer bagi ikut nombor matric number. Tapi selalunya kat UIA memang ada list name skali..
thanks for the tips!
for me, getting notice tu.. hrmm..
no way boleh dpt higher mark or whatnot haha psl kitorang bila kena mark utk coursework, tak guna nama, guna student number
but still, better kalau lecturer kenal 😀
senang nnt hehe
Sure do.. yep I still remember time matric, memang lecturer bagi ikut nombor matric number. Tapi selalunya kat UIA memang ada list name skali..
it depends. all the tips very useful….for me, im always noticed by the lecturer, since school, dunno why. maybe i have personal attraction.haha(poyo). but i dont agree with “help them when giving marks for your assignment”.if u perform, it is urs. different with kipas2 and gedik2. it also helping u gaining marks. isn it?
but the 12th is very important. shuld be in the first. and add some, tawakkal. when u try ur best,…
it is not important to be the no1 or to get dean’s list, it is how u strive to achieve it.
Yes. It depends on situation. Personally, I will ‘kipas’ my lecturer with my good behaviour, attitude, punctuality, good assignments and good presentation. Then baru la lecturer tu ‘sejuk’. Rather than ‘kipas’, bodek, belanja makan/rokok, which is not ethical to kipas your lecturer. That’s how I define my ‘kipas’. 😛
Yes, I always prioritize point no 12. Just to make sure people will remember the last point, maybe some will forget the earlier points.
If you strive and do the best, dean’s list is just a bonus. I’m doing it for my self satisfaction too!
it depends. all the tips very useful….for me, im always noticed by the lecturer, since school, dunno why. maybe i have personal attraction.haha(poyo). but i dont agree with “help them when giving marks for your assignment”.if u perform, it is urs. different with kipas2 and gedik2. it also helping u gaining marks. isn it?
but the 12th is very important. shuld be in the first. and add some, tawakkal. when u try ur best,…
it is not important to be the no1 or to get dean’s list, it is how u strive to achieve it.
Yes. It depends on situation. Personally, I will ‘kipas’ my lecturer with my good behaviour, attitude, punctuality, good assignments and good presentation. Then baru la lecturer tu ‘sejuk’. Rather than ‘kipas’, bodek, belanja makan/rokok, which is not ethical to kipas your lecturer. That’s how I define my ‘kipas’. 😛
Yes, I always prioritize point no 12. Just to make sure people will remember the last point, maybe some will forget the earlier points.
If you strive and do the best, dean’s list is just a bonus. I’m doing it for my self satisfaction too!
memang..masuk U ni sebenarnya mmg senang nak score…
Kuiz/Coursework/Assignment/Test (bulanan/mid sem/final sem) dah boleh score..
lecturer plak ajar from A-Z
take it or leave it…
itu ajer…
Aku dapat Dean’s List list la jugak zaman2 freshie/sophomore/junior, cuma bila dah senior…dah malas nak score…
dah xde course work…
sume esemen susah2..
Aku tak skor sangat time awal2 tahun. Tapi lepas aku tahu cara pemarkahan, agak senang la nak skor lepas2 tu. Terbalik pulak cara kita. hehe
memang..masuk U ni sebenarnya mmg senang nak score…
Kuiz/Coursework/Assignment/Test (bulanan/mid sem/final sem) dah boleh score..
lecturer plak ajar from A-Z
take it or leave it…
itu ajer…
Aku dapat Dean’s List list la jugak zaman2 freshie/sophomore/junior, cuma bila dah senior…dah malas nak score…
dah xde course work…
sume esemen susah2..
Aku tak skor sangat time awal2 tahun. Tapi lepas aku tahu cara pemarkahan, agak senang la nak skor lepas2 tu. Terbalik pulak cara kita. hehe
mungkin aku sudah terlewat untuk membacanya. kerna hari ini paper last aku dan tahun akhir aku. waaa…tidak
Semoga berjaya dan lulus dengan cemerlang ok! at least boleh la sebarkan entri ni kat kawan2 yang sedang belajar jugak..
InsaAllah, mudah-mudahan adalah keajaiban yang berlaku nanti bila keluar keputusan.
.-= mohdisa´s last blog ..Hidup Berani Untuk Gagal =-.
mungkin aku sudah terlewat untuk membacanya. kerna hari ini paper last aku dan tahun akhir aku. waaa…tidak
Semoga berjaya dan lulus dengan cemerlang ok! at least boleh la sebarkan entri ni kat kawan2 yang sedang belajar jugak..
InsaAllah, mudah-mudahan adalah keajaiban yang berlaku nanti bila keluar keputusan.
.-= mohdisa´s last blog ..Hidup Berani Untuk Gagal =-.
wah… hebat… tahniah… thanks for sharing 🙂
terima kasih fiza. sebarkan la kepada kawan2 juga jika rasa berguna.. 😀
wah… hebat… tahniah… thanks for sharing 🙂
terima kasih fiza. sebarkan la kepada kawan2 juga jika rasa berguna.. 😀
no2.. always termiss..
alang-alang termiss, lebih baik puasa sunat! hehe
no2.. always termiss..
alang-alang termiss, lebih baik puasa sunat! hehe
This is very inspiring me..
I like this one:
Thanks. Hope you’ll be inspired and motivated to achieve success!
This is very inspiring me..
I like this one:
Thanks. Hope you’ll be inspired and motivated to achieve success!
salam…best2…hehehe klu ade tips lg..share lar ek… mudah2an kite sume diberkati Allah s.w.t insyaAllah.. aminnn…
Salam. InsyaAllah kalau ada tips yang berkaitan, saya akan berkongsi dalam blog ni.
salam…best2…hehehe klu ade tips lg..share lar ek… mudah2an kite sume diberkati Allah s.w.t insyaAllah.. aminnn…
Salam. InsyaAllah kalau ada tips yang berkaitan, saya akan berkongsi dalam blog ni.
Hi, I’m in my final sem now & now having my practical. I’ve to submit my thesis soon, too. I can’t concentrate on completing my thesis & having to juggle with these two really makes me stressed. Can u share some tips on how to achieve good grades in these?
Hi, good question! I’ll try to get some info about this and I’ll write a special entry for this. Thanks for your question!
Hi, I’m in my final sem now & now having my practical. I’ve to submit my thesis soon, too. I can’t concentrate on completing my thesis & having to juggle with these two really makes me stressed. Can u share some tips on how to achieve good grades in these?
Hi, good question! I’ll try to get some info about this and I’ll write a special entry for this. Thanks for your question!
Pingback: 10 Tips to Work Smart with Thesis Writing |
salam adlan..please allow me to share this on my facebook’s worth sharing..i like tip #4 huhu
salam… terima kasih karana sudi share tips2 yg sememengnya bguna utk saya….
saya pelajar baru semester pertama,.. matlamat saya nak mulakan dengan cemerlang dan berakahir dengan gemilang.. insyallah… kalau bole berikan saya tips2 cara utk.. suksess… dan mcam mana nak score dalam assigment/kuiz/exam.. tambahan lagi dalam class design…
Salam. Yep rasanya kebanyakan tips kat sini dah cukup banyak. Lebih-lebih lagi saya juga fokuskan kepada bidang design. Boleh tahu natasya ambil bidang apa secara khusus?
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