After one month of the 4th Anniversary Giveaway, I’ve chosen 14 lucky commenter to receive the keychains from Cambodia. They are;
- AdrySabry
- As
- Nana-chan
- Adila
- Szakif
- Chazzie Fairuz
- Juliana
- Nanako
- Extremist Thinker
- Saffa
- Shino
- Nono
- Chika
- Princess Liyana
Thanks for your participation. Its not easy to choose these lucky 14 recipients. I don’t know how to know whether they have subscribe my feed through Feedburner. There are some exception such as the Gravatar and comment. But its fine. As long as you have listed me in your blogroll, that’s enough. I’ll contact through email to confirm your mailing address ya?!
wah! Thanks a lot! yeay!!
sure. you’re welcome!
wah! Thanks a lot! yeay!!
sure. you’re welcome!
owh!! aku tak terpilih… adei…
ala. ko taknak bagi komen kt situ. takpe len kali ada lagi contest tapi kena up skit la tahap kesusahan..:P
owh!! aku tak terpilih… adei…
ala. ko taknak bagi komen kt situ. takpe len kali ada lagi contest tapi kena up skit la tahap kesusahan..:P
tak sangka terpilih..
szakif neh nanges betul2 ke? 😛
tapi agak terharu ah, bukan sebab the gift, but for the appreciation 🙂
haha. ko pengomen setia, mesti la dapatnye.. jangan menangis plak.. haha
tak sangka terpilih..
szakif neh nanges betul2 ke? 😛
tapi agak terharu ah, bukan sebab the gift, but for the appreciation 🙂
haha. ko pengomen setia, mesti la dapatnye.. jangan menangis plak.. haha
budak spongebob ni pun terpilih?
Bloggers ade blogger feed sendiri 😀
sebab tu im here everytime u got new entry, either i just read leaving no comment, or being an active reader, leave u a comment 😉
with a big heart, TQVM.
p/s: gambar atas tuh, camne dapat ea…? huu
eh.. panggil die bdak spongebob ke? tak tau plak..
tapi As kalo da try Google Reader, mesti da tak pandang blogger nye feed.
Oh, itu gambar yang gravatar kat bahagian komen ni. pinjam kejap ye..
blogger feed = google reader ah kan.. 😀
sebab as view guna google reader 😉
take care
and thanks
budak spongebob ni pun terpilih?
Bloggers ade blogger feed sendiri 😀
sebab tu im here everytime u got new entry, either i just read leaving no comment, or being an active reader, leave u a comment 😉
with a big heart, TQVM.
p/s: gambar atas tuh, camne dapat ea…? huu
eh.. panggil die bdak spongebob ke? tak tau plak..
tapi As kalo da try Google Reader, mesti da tak pandang blogger nye feed.
Oh, itu gambar yang gravatar kat bahagian komen ni. pinjam kejap ye..
blogger feed = google reader ah kan.. 😀
sebab as view guna google reader 😉
take care
and thanks
no, i’m not one of them..
owh. i’m sorry. maybe you can try for another contest soon..
no, i’m not one of them..
owh. i’m sorry. maybe you can try for another contest soon..
yi?aku pun ada??? *brfikir* tapi aku tak jawab pun tag tu..i mean..slogan tu..??hehh…. anyway thanks and congrats to other bloggers! huhh..lama tak visit page nih.. hiatus..hiatus..
haha. pemenang ni subjektif cara pemilihannye. aku kan juri nye..
selamat berhiatus.. jgn lama2 nanti sakit!
yi?aku pun ada??? *brfikir* tapi aku tak jawab pun tag tu..i mean..slogan tu..??hehh…. anyway thanks and congrats to other bloggers! huhh..lama tak visit page nih.. hiatus..hiatus..
haha. pemenang ni subjektif cara pemilihannye. aku kan juri nye..
selamat berhiatus.. jgn lama2 nanti sakit!
awwww… terharu! 😛
nono latest post: Smaelz and Callister must read this! =)
terharu ke? hee.. nah tisu..
awwww… terharu! 😛
nono latest post: Smaelz and Callister must read this! =)
terharu ke? hee.. nah tisu..
ngiahahah w00t!
Adila latest post: YES! Jom jalan2 cari….
haha.. seronok nampak.. nak hadiah tak? reply la emel. tapi pakai alamat malaysia tau..?
ngiahahah w00t!
Adila latest post: YES! Jom jalan2 cari….
haha.. seronok nampak.. nak hadiah tak? reply la emel. tapi pakai alamat malaysia tau..?
waghh terharu nye….hehehee
thanks bro… 🙂
haha.. terharu. takpe2.. you are welcome!
waghh terharu nye….hehehee
thanks bro… 🙂
haha.. terharu. takpe2.. you are welcome!
muka chika! muka chika di atas!
chika latest post: 5 Keinginan Terdalam
haha. chika plak excited ada muka die kat situ sampai gelak kuat2 plak..
muka chika! muka chika di atas!
chika latest post: 5 Keinginan Terdalam
haha. chika plak excited ada muka die kat situ sampai gelak kuat2 plak..
congrats….lets extend the contest la bro…
etomyam latest post: ‘Masih Tak Boleh’ Malaysia
em.. I’m sorry I have to close the contest. already have the winners. maybe I’ll open a new contest soon.
congrats….lets extend the contest la bro…
etomyam latest post: ‘Masih Tak Boleh’ Malaysia
em.. I’m sorry I have to close the contest. already have the winners. maybe I’ll open a new contest soon.
uiks.. dapat la… address… sori lama tak online.. jangan jangan awak ada e-mail .. huhu… tapi adlan ada alamat saya kan.. hehe
Adry latest post: It’s my birthday…
yep. I have yours. hadiah akan smp lepas raya haji ke Sabah! hehe
uiks.. dapat la… address… sori lama tak online.. jangan jangan awak ada e-mail .. huhu… tapi adlan ada alamat saya kan.. hehe
Adry latest post: It’s my birthday…
yep. I have yours. hadiah akan smp lepas raya haji ke Sabah! hehe
wah wah wah. trimas.
hehe.. sama2 bro..
wah wah wah. trimas.
hehe.. sama2 bro..
this is UNFAIR!!! i dont know there’s such competition. if I know …..i have put a lot of comments……i hereby will riot against the lucky draw..i want my keychain!!!!
this is UNFAIR!!! i dont know there’s such competition. if I know …..i have put a lot of comments……i hereby will riot against the lucky draw..i want my keychain!!!!
sbg balasan..let see avatar aku ni berjaya tak,,,,,
sbg balasan..let see avatar aku ni berjaya tak,,,,,
owh…i like it..BERJAYA…and now i forgive u ma fren
owh…i like it..BERJAYA…and now i forgive u ma fren
and sila buat contest baru
amboi. banyak pulak komen hang kat sini.
lain kali rajin2 la baca entri2 yang ko tak rajin nak baca. hehe
nak wat contest kena ada bajet nak bagi hadiah la.. sape la nk jd penaja..hehe
and sila buat contest baru
amboi. banyak pulak komen hang kat sini.
lain kali rajin2 la baca entri2 yang ko tak rajin nak baca. hehe
nak wat contest kena ada bajet nak bagi hadiah la.. sape la nk jd penaja..hehe
bro, bagi nabil xpe keychain tue. akoo xpe. cian die. (btol2 bg die… ntah… akoo da byk dpt camnie… akoo bg mmbr2 je. boleh tanye adry kalo xcaye. huhu!)
eh? tak nak pulak. itu mamat buat2 merajuk je. takde hal la. kalo taknak takpe. aku kene pikiaq la nk bagi sape plak.
YEEE thanks Extremist…aku rasa aku layak..aku hanya membuka blog ini less than 20 times..and aku telah put comment about 4 ke kalo ikut %…mmg high…..kan?
kasik je si nabil neh. smgt waja tue. hoho!
Extremist Thinker latest post: Bongkar Cakra Alam @ 360°
bro, bagi nabil xpe keychain tue. akoo xpe. cian die. (btol2 bg die… ntah… akoo da byk dpt camnie… akoo bg mmbr2 je. boleh tanye adry kalo xcaye. huhu!)
eh? tak nak pulak. itu mamat buat2 merajuk je. takde hal la. kalo taknak takpe. aku kene pikiaq la nk bagi sape plak.
YEEE thanks Extremist…aku rasa aku layak..aku hanya membuka blog ini less than 20 times..and aku telah put comment about 4 ke kalo ikut %…mmg high…..kan?
kasik je si nabil neh. smgt waja tue. hoho!
Extremist Thinker latest post: Bongkar Cakra Alam @ 360°
thanks alan…sebab tak bajet lak leh dpat sebab syarat kelayakan macam x cukup huhu~ neway, time kasih bebanyak.. ngeee~
p/s: cs4, ingt nk gk amek tapi cs2/basic pn tkial2 lagi, beriye lak nk yg lg canggih hehe~ xpe2. (blaja) skit2 lame2 jadi bukit (ilmu bnyk2) ^^ right? 😉
haha. takpe la. kalo ikut juri, da cukup layak da. hehe
sama-sama. kalo tak rajin nak pos, sy bagi by hand. mujur ada kt UIA kn..
tak kesah la guna CS bape pun. yang penting skill tu. kalo ada CS4 pun tapi tak reti gak nak edit2 basic. takde makna..
thanks alan…sebab tak bajet lak leh dpat sebab syarat kelayakan macam x cukup huhu~ neway, time kasih bebanyak.. ngeee~
p/s: cs4, ingt nk gk amek tapi cs2/basic pn tkial2 lagi, beriye lak nk yg lg canggih hehe~ xpe2. (blaja) skit2 lame2 jadi bukit (ilmu bnyk2) ^^ right? 😉
haha. takpe la. kalo ikut juri, da cukup layak da. hehe
sama-sama. kalo tak rajin nak pos, sy bagi by hand. mujur ada kt UIA kn..
tak kesah la guna CS bape pun. yang penting skill tu. kalo ada CS4 pun tapi tak reti gak nak edit2 basic. takde makna..
salam. what a tactic to lure comments from us!! 🙂 all the best for yr presentation tonite adlan (or was it yesterday?)
xpelah, for me ada tmpt dlm yr memories pun oklah.
its not a tactic to lure comments. but more into getting feedback what people wants from my blog.
alhamdulillah. da selamat da semester kali ni with the last presentation!
salam. what a tactic to lure comments from us!! 🙂 all the best for yr presentation tonite adlan (or was it yesterday?)
xpelah, for me ada tmpt dlm yr memories pun oklah.
its not a tactic to lure comments. but more into getting feedback what people wants from my blog.
alhamdulillah. da selamat da semester kali ni with the last presentation!
ehhh!!!saya pun ada!!jap.,,jap..sambil membuka cermin mata dan memasang semula untuk memastikan tidak salah apa yang baru dilihat..
yupp..memang tak salah..saya dapat jugak..terima kasih En Adlan…terharunya saya.. 🙂
JuliaNa latest post: Kritikan atau Kutukan?
haha. takyah la encik2 plak. sy muda lagi. yep betul memang nama kamu pun.
btw really hope that you can reply the email. need to process it ASAP!
ehhh!!!saya pun ada!!jap.,,jap..sambil membuka cermin mata dan memasang semula untuk memastikan tidak salah apa yang baru dilihat..
yupp..memang tak salah..saya dapat jugak..terima kasih En Adlan…terharunya saya.. 🙂
JuliaNa latest post: Kritikan atau Kutukan?
haha. takyah la encik2 plak. sy muda lagi. yep betul memang nama kamu pun.
btw really hope that you can reply the email. need to process it ASAP!
ok lan…hang bole letak avatar aku yg jrg skali di publish di blog2 lain…kt tpt banner 14 lucky commenters…ok aku dah bole dpt ka?
ok lan…hang bole letak avatar aku yg jrg skali di publish di blog2 lain…kt tpt banner 14 lucky commenters…ok aku dah bole dpt ka?
yes do it ASAP…..
actually still tak memenuhi criteria. cuba baca balik syarat2 kt dlm entri bertajuk 4th Anniversary Giveaway. hehe.. hang cuma penuhi 2 dari 5 syarat je.. cuba lagi!
yes do it ASAP…..
actually still tak memenuhi criteria. cuba baca balik syarat2 kt dlm entri bertajuk 4th Anniversary Giveaway. hehe.. hang cuma penuhi 2 dari 5 syarat je.. cuba lagi!
lo gambar aku xde pon… hohohohoho
topo latest post: november,exam dan topo…
hoho.. sori.. topo terlepas contest mudah tu.. next time k.. aku pun mcm akan terlepas je contest ko itu
lo gambar aku xde pon… hohohohoho
topo latest post: november,exam dan topo…
hoho.. sori.. topo terlepas contest mudah tu.. next time k.. aku pun mcm akan terlepas je contest ko itu