Salam. I guess I’ve mentioned about my participation in ITEX 2009. Before I write about it, let me showcase to you the unique and awesome special booth design at ITEX 2009. Usually, in a exhibition like this, the organiser will judge the best booth design. So, let’s check it out.
Its going to take a while to load. Sorry for the poor quality of the image taken with my phone. Click on the image to view higher resolution.
Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
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Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP)
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Universiti Teknikal Melaka (UTeM)
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Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
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Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP)
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Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
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Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
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Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM)
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Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN)
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Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)
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Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
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Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
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Universiti Malaya (UM)
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Malaysia Agriculture Research Development Institute (MARDI)
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SIRIM Berhad
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Malaysia Technology Development Centre (MTDC)
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Best Booth Design – Large and Medium size
Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)
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They are the best! They even have unique landscape design too. I was impressive with the bamboos, water curtains and also the platform for discussion.
Telekom Malaysia Research & Development (TM R&D)
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They won’t the best design for medium size booth. They are very creative in utilising limited materials such as the standard partition system.
IIUM: Poor booth design
I’m sorry. I have to admit it. IIUM has the poor booth design among the universities that participated in ITEX 2009. What’s wrong anyway?
[singlepic id=407 w=450]
First, who needs a maze? I know the designer is being creative by manipulating the IIUM logo, as seen from top view. However, all of us will have to squeeze ourselve in the narrow space inside the ‘logo’. Its quite claustrophobic walking through the logo maze!
Second, no information counter and even directory panel. Visitors will find it hard to get to know the research conducted by the researchers.
Third, no Islamic elements. I know it will cost a lot but there’s nothing special about the booth which can relate to IIUM and Islam itself.
Fourth, it is not welcoming enough. The designer should have studied about the location of IIUM booth. I guess the welcoming part is when you are going out from the toilet, next to the booth, you can see clearly IIUM signage. The maze makes it more uninviting.
I hope RMC can do something about it. It is just my honest and personal opinion. I believe that my department, AAD has creative designers who are willing to help the university. Don’t waste the money by outsourcing the design to contractors.
Its too late for me now and its a real good opportunity for my juniors. I hope that next time, IIUM can also win special booth design award in other exhibitions.
saper lar yg design booth uia tu… mmg teruk benor.. xpatut x patut…. malunye…. huhuhu.. kalu bdk AAD wat, mesti ade design gempak2.
ish. takde la teruk sangat. cuma kurang menarik la. hehe..
okey. pasni aramiya boleh la propose design cantik2 plak ye!
saper lar yg design booth uia tu… mmg teruk benor.. xpatut x patut…. malunye…. huhuhu.. kalu bdk AAD wat, mesti ade design gempak2.
ish. takde la teruk sangat. cuma kurang menarik la. hehe..
okey. pasni aramiya boleh la propose design cantik2 plak ye!
ada betul gak … sapa la nak maze kan… huhu
Adry latest post: Kontroversi Ustaz Akhil Hayy,Waheeda, Maizawati
boleh sesat tu.. tah pape la.. tak ske
ada betul gak … sapa la nak maze kan… huhu
Adry latest post: Kontroversi Ustaz Akhil Hayy,Waheeda, Maizawati
boleh sesat tu.. tah pape la.. tak ske
mmg cantek btol yg menang tuh
nampak luas dan tenang je kalau masuk
n nape signboard uia cmtu je?
sepatutnye besa lg laa
xbangge dgn uia ke?
sesuki xD latest post: an award !
hm.. nak buat camne.. yang design tu bkn org UIA pun.. peduli ape plak kan. asal dpt duit..
cuba tengok gambar UPM yang first. signboard TM lagi besar dari UIA.. kecik je..
mmg cantek btol yg menang tuh
nampak luas dan tenang je kalau masuk
n nape signboard uia cmtu je?
sepatutnye besa lg laa
xbangge dgn uia ke?
sesuki xD latest post: an award !
hm.. nak buat camne.. yang design tu bkn org UIA pun.. peduli ape plak kan. asal dpt duit..
cuba tengok gambar UPM yang first. signboard TM lagi besar dari UIA.. kecik je..
oh lupe gtau…last year usm dapt silver medal…project ni… …. project prof akak nih..hehe…promo sikit kt sini yer…jgn marah….
limaumaniss latest post: Nak Daftar???
ala kak.. itu website kena ada pasword la plak.. takleh nak tengok..
oh lupe gtau…last year usm dapt silver medal…project ni… …. project prof akak nih..hehe…promo sikit kt sini yer…jgn marah….
limaumaniss latest post: Nak Daftar???
ala kak.. itu website kena ada pasword la plak.. takleh nak tengok..
UIA punya x teruk, cuma mmg nampak dull la. UPM pnya pon nampak cantik.
IrAziz latest post: Mari Balik Kampung!
UIA punya x teruk, cuma mmg nampak dull la. UPM pnya pon nampak cantik.
IrAziz latest post: Mari Balik Kampung!
alamak, tu booth uia ker.patutlaa susah nak cari aritu….sepatuutnyer uia kner ader sense of design element, colors, lighting, space etc. sebab uia ade art school. compared to others….kner la meriah skit.just my 2 cents. ;;
alamak, tu booth uia ker.patutlaa susah nak cari aritu….sepatuutnyer uia kner ader sense of design element, colors, lighting, space etc. sebab uia ade art school. compared to others….kner la meriah skit.just my 2 cents. ;;