2008 Weddings of the Year

This is not an entry dedicated to Mawi and Ekin but this is a round up post of my friends’ and cousins’ wedding that I’ve attended throughout 2008.
Afiq and Syida
Both are my seniors from SMAKL. They got married on 10th February. He’s an active student under Censerve Team. Well, I envied him because he’s in his final semester when he got married.

Abang Boy and Kak Shima
He is my cousin and they got married on 23rd August, a week before the fasting month in Bentong. I still remembered that I was carrying bunga manggar to accompany the wedding ceremony.

Abang Min
He is my cousin and they got married on 4th October (which is also 4th Syawal) at Bertam, Penang. This time, I just helped carried one of the hantaran to the girl’s house. I still remembered that it took more than 4 hours to return to Ipoh after the wedding because of road congestion.

Suraya and Helmi
I did attend my ex-girlfriend’s wedding. She married 3 months earlier and it was a reception on the man’s side. I’m glad that we are still friends. Don’t worry. Nothing bad happened ’cause I’ve already moved on.

Abang Che’e and Kak Lin
He is my cousin and they got married on 6th December, a few days before Aidil Adha. It’s quite tiring because the wedding was organised with the support of the locals and relatives. This time, I was the one who carried the bunga paha to the bride’s house.

When I went to the bride’s house for the nikah ceremony, I asked my sister, is it possible if there is our friend that is related to the bride? Eventually I found that the her sister is studying Syariah in IIUM. What a small world with such coincidence.

Nurzatul Itri & Wan Mohd Syahid
She’s my classmate during my study at SMTKL. She got married on 14th December. I was quite surprised to receive her invitation. But it’s a good thing because me and my classmates could have a quick reunion as almost 20 people turned out.

My Wedding
Oops. I’m not married yet. I always told my relatives that I will have to wait before I can get married. At least there are 5 of my cousins who should get married before me based on seniority. Well, it is all fated. I wish to get married soon as I’ve already started to save some money. Based on these weddings I’ve attended, somehow I’ve found the formula on optimizing the budget for wedding receptions.

I’d like to apology to Hakim (my studiomates) and Sis. Haswani (AKHIans) because I cannot attend your wedding. So guys, congratulations on your wedding. May God bless your marriage and live happily ever after.

In conclusion, I’d like to share the post by Dr. Maza about ‘Apabila Zina lebih mudah daripada Kahwin’ and also ‘Kahwin semasa Belajar‘ from Saifulislam as a reminders to myself and also you guys out there.

73 thoughts on “2008 Weddings of the Year”

  1. huyoo
    wed compilation 😛
    cngrats to all of them, moga kekal ke syurga!

    and for u alan,
    moga kamu dipertemukan dengan seseorang yang mempermudahkan urusan kamu, ameen

  2. huyoo
    wed compilation 😛
    cngrats to all of them, moga kekal ke syurga!

    and for u alan,
    moga kamu dipertemukan dengan seseorang yang mempermudahkan urusan kamu, ameen

    1. ala.. ramai je orang blog psl kawen. tapi sebab asyik tangguh2 je psl ni. terus compile jadi satu terus.. puas ati sket tgk mcm2 fesyen pengantin kan?

    1. ala.. ramai je orang blog psl kawen. tapi sebab asyik tangguh2 je psl ni. terus compile jadi satu terus.. puas ati sket tgk mcm2 fesyen pengantin kan?

    1. haha.. kalo takde calon pun kena gak save money. kalo nak tunggu calon, lagi la lmbt kawen..

      baik boss.. kalo da konfem, sila bg alamat ye.. tp kalo bos kawen dlu lagi best!

    2. bingo!!!
      kat skola tuh cikgu laki ada 3 org jer and all of them are married. even if they are not married yet, they are so not my type…hahahah!!!
      memilih tuh….lalalala!

      zack latest post: worst moment

    1. haha.. kalo takde calon pun kena gak save money. kalo nak tunggu calon, lagi la lmbt kawen..

      baik boss.. kalo da konfem, sila bg alamat ye.. tp kalo bos kawen dlu lagi best!

    2. bingo!!!
      kat skola tuh cikgu laki ada 3 org jer and all of them are married. even if they are not married yet, they are so not my type…hahahah!!!
      memilih tuh….lalalala!

      zack latest post: worst moment

    1. mestila kena kenal dengan pengantin. kalo tak watpe dtg wedding diorang tapi tak kenal.. lain la kawan parents ke.. dpt gak tanya2 pasal bajet.. hee

    1. mestila kena kenal dengan pengantin. kalo tak watpe dtg wedding diorang tapi tak kenal.. lain la kawan parents ke.. dpt gak tanya2 pasal bajet.. hee

    1. em.. well, it was his last semester. but he still have time to join program, to get married and to finish his study. can you? he got married another two months before final exams.. another couple with the pengantin also still studying right now

    1. em.. well, it was his last semester. but he still have time to join program, to get married and to finish his study. can you? he got married another two months before final exams.. another couple with the pengantin also still studying right now

    1. amboi2 ko. ske ati je cakap die tak lawa. nanti aku tengok bini ko lawa ke tak.. slalu org2 yg cakap pompuan tu tak lawa, bini die …. (lu pikir la sendiri)

    1. amboi2 ko. ske ati je cakap die tak lawa. nanti aku tengok bini ko lawa ke tak.. slalu org2 yg cakap pompuan tu tak lawa, bini die …. (lu pikir la sendiri)

    1. yeah.. marriage is not about marrying a girl. its also about marrying to a responsibility..

      don’t worry. my blog soon will become a wedding and marriage blog.. (gile lah)

    1. yeah.. marriage is not about marrying a girl. its also about marrying to a responsibility..

      don’t worry. my blog soon will become a wedding and marriage blog.. (gile lah)

  3. Pingback: Welcome back Mum and Dad | adlankhalidi.com

  4. salam…..
    perkahwinan satu ikatan yang suci
    lahir dari fitrah kurniaan ilahi…..
    nikmat hidup berpasangan
    satu pertanggungjawaban
    bukan mainan
    atau atas dasar nafsu semata-mata
    my advice for all muslim and muslimat….
    jangan cemarkan majlis walimatul urus dengan maksiat…..
    kerana sesungguhnya
    hilangnya keberkatan dimajlis kenduri disebabkan maksiat…
    hanya membawa kemurkaan allah…..
    niatlah dengan tulus………
    dan bukan untuk bermegah………
    insyaallah keberkatan majlis membawa kebahagiaan di dunia dan akhirat……..
    sedangkan kemurkaan membawa ke jurang
    walaupun kawin sekali……….
    ingat gak hidup pon tuhan bagi sekali je kt dnia….
    jgnlah persiakan……..
    tunaikan tanggugjawab……….
    buat kaum adam…….
    jangan jadi dayus……….
    biarkan isteri membuka aurat semata-mata nak nampak cantik di majlis perkahwinan………..
    tak de maknenye……….
    nanti dengan korang sekali masuk ke neraka………
    sebabnya gagal didik isteri…….
    susah sangat ke?………
    yang baik tu datang dari allah….
    yang buruk dsebabkan kelemahan diri insan………

  5. salam…..
    perkahwinan satu ikatan yang suci
    lahir dari fitrah kurniaan ilahi…..
    nikmat hidup berpasangan
    satu pertanggungjawaban
    bukan mainan
    atau atas dasar nafsu semata-mata
    my advice for all muslim and muslimat….
    jangan cemarkan majlis walimatul urus dengan maksiat…..
    kerana sesungguhnya
    hilangnya keberkatan dimajlis kenduri disebabkan maksiat…
    hanya membawa kemurkaan allah…..
    niatlah dengan tulus………
    dan bukan untuk bermegah………
    insyaallah keberkatan majlis membawa kebahagiaan di dunia dan akhirat……..
    sedangkan kemurkaan membawa ke jurang
    walaupun kawin sekali……….
    ingat gak hidup pon tuhan bagi sekali je kt dnia….
    jgnlah persiakan……..
    tunaikan tanggugjawab……….
    buat kaum adam…….
    jangan jadi dayus……….
    biarkan isteri membuka aurat semata-mata nak nampak cantik di majlis perkahwinan………..
    tak de maknenye……….
    nanti dengan korang sekali masuk ke neraka………
    sebabnya gagal didik isteri…….
    susah sangat ke?………
    yang baik tu datang dari allah….
    yang buruk dsebabkan kelemahan diri insan………

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