4 Parking Domain Screenshot

I was quite busy in preparing my cousin wedding from 4 to 7 December. Then I forgot to pay for the hosting fee to Budihost. When I’m back, I was surprised to see that my blog is not there anymore.
So these are some parking domain design that I’ve captured. Its not designed by me but the hosting itself. At least there are about 4 designs that appeared each time I reload the page. But the cool thing about these pages is that it grabs some of my popular and related searches such as Eid Card, AU2 Shopping Mall, Jusco, Hana Yori Dango The Final and Ayat2 Cinta.

parking5.jpgSo the lesson here, always pay your hosting fee earlier. Otherwise, you’ll lose some traffic and your reader will question about your blog. This will leave a poor impression of your credibility in managing your time and finance. Ooops. I’m really sorry. I’ve learnt the lesson this time.

I still looking for the time to bloghop to my friends blog. Its better late than never aight? In the mean time, I enjoyed using social networking sites such as Friendster, Facebook, Myspace and Plurk. How about you?

23 thoughts on “4 Parking Domain Screenshot”

    1. eh.. takde kaitan plak nasi minyak kat sini. sape plak makan nasi minyak.. cpat2 la balik malaysia.. tak dpt nak bungkus ke sana. nnt takut basi..

    1. eh.. takde kaitan plak nasi minyak kat sini. sape plak makan nasi minyak.. cpat2 la balik malaysia.. tak dpt nak bungkus ke sana. nnt takut basi..

    1. I paid RM150 annually. its about RM12.50 per month. i think its quite cheap but there’s a cheaper hosting out there. if you spend your topup RM30, then its not that costly right?

    1. I paid RM150 annually. its about RM12.50 per month. i think its quite cheap but there’s a cheaper hosting out there. if you spend your topup RM30, then its not that costly right?

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