ASUS EeePC 1000HE is my new toy

Salam. I just want to introduce my brand new toy. Its a mini notebook by Asus, EeePC 1000HE.

Alhamdulillah. After I’ve got my payment, I’m looking forward to buy a good notebook. Lenovo S10 was my first choice. There are plenty of second hand Lenovo notebook on Mudah website but there are a few of Asus EeePC. I guess,maybe people are selling back their Lenovo because they don’t satisfied with the performance.

After I asked my friend on Facebook, they also told me to go for Asus. Thanks to Taqie and Feairus. However there are few Asus notebook in the market. Why I’m choosing this one?

Battery power!

Other notebook can last up to 3-5 hours. However, 1000HE can last up to 9.5 hours depend on setting and usage. Well that’s more than enough. If I’m travelling with bus or train, this notebook is the best companion!


In Lelong website, the price was RM1499. When I went to Lowyat Plaza last Saturday, some shops sell it up to RM1699! So I bought the one with the lowest price and I got some free gifts such as headphone, cooler, lock and USB router.

What’s the purpose of having second machine?

Yes, I still have my desktop in my room. But I believe that a freelance designer should be able to do his work anytime and anywhere. Its hard when I have to present my work to the client, and I have to depend on their computers. Maybe this notebook also can build my reputation and trust for my client.

Since the notebook is not that powerful compared to my dual core desktop, I will be using this notebook for website design and my internet activities. Wifi facilities is provided everywhere today. I’ll also do some light graphic design works using Photoshop and Illustrator. For 3D rendering and video editing works, I’ll have to do it with my desktop.

P/S – Love the design of 1000HE. Well done Asus designers!

Image taken from Ubergizmo.

32 thoughts on “ASUS EeePC 1000HE is my new toy”

  1. Pingback: ASUS EeePC 1000HE is my new toy « Adobe Tutorials

    1. Best dapat cross wishlist. Pasni nak cross hutang list. Hehe.

      Ni laptop baru first hand. Kalo second, mesti la murah lagi..

  2. hutang list? owh adlan…! haha

    btul..tyme nmpak ats meja mm aritu kan trus tpkir..”eh mcmne org ni ley bli ntbook yg sme ngn adlan..”coz ntbook tu jrg2 jmpe org gne..adlan je la kot…n rpenyer mmg urs..nk ntbook tue..hehe..

    d Third Child latest post: Along the Sem Break

  3. hutang list? owh adlan…! haha

    btul..tyme nmpak ats meja mm aritu kan trus tpkir..”eh mcmne org ni ley bli ntbook yg sme ngn adlan..”coz ntbook tu jrg2 jmpe org gne..adlan je la kot…n rpenyer mmg urs..nk ntbook tue..hehe..

    d Third Child latest post: Along the Sem Break

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  5. Pingback: Jolicloud Pre-Beta Test Run on Asus 1000HE | - Designer, Advertiser & Freelancer

  6. Pingback: It doesn’t hurt to be late adopters.. | AdlanKhalidi

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