I’ve heard about Blog for Federal Territories or Blog4FT last year. Its a blogging contest about anything related to Federal Territories or Wilayah Persekutuan.
This year, since the social media has taken the cyber landscape, Ministry of Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing introduced a social good campaign by using Facebook.
Table of Contents / Kandungan
Launching Ceremony
I went to the launching ceremony in Bangsar Shopping Centre. This picture is taken from Blog4FT Facebook.
Dato’ Raja Nong Chik is pressing the Like button to launch this programme.
Celebrities and Their Campaign
There are three celebrities involve in this project. They are Siti Nurhaliza, Upin & Ipin and Steve Yap. They need to get at least 10,000 Likes on their Facebook Page in order to get fund for their cause.
Siti Nurhaliza
The importance of empowering the urban poor in the Federal Territories through vocational training.
Upin & Ipin
The need to increase awareness about the danger of Dengue fever to residents of the Federal Territories.
Steve Yap
The need for society to be involved in greening the environment through Tree Planting Programmes.
Well, I guess the concept is quite simple and it is one way for us to utilize the social media for a good cause. For more information, visit their official website of Blog4FT Cares!.