Draw Something – My Drawsome Showcase

Draw Something is the top paid game apps at the moment. It is one of the best mobile games that I’ve played so far.

Draw Something was developed by OMGPOP and then was acquired by social gaming giant, Zynga. Yet it still splashes ‘OMGPOP’ at the starting of the app.

Personally, I think Draw Something is cool because you can play it with your friends and it really makes you to think visually and creatively. You can try it for free but with the paid version, (only $0.99) it is worth it. You get 2000+ extra words and a bonus of 400 coins instantly after purchasing it. Enough to buy you more colours for perfect shading and rendering!

I’m still playing this game with my wife and Facebook friends. I admire the effort that my friends put into this game.

Here is the showcase of some of the ‘Drawsome!’ drawings that I came across.

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