Earth Hour Family Barbeque

Salam. Sorry for not updating this blog because I’m too busy with my studio project submission. Today, I’d like to share about the activity that I’ve done during the recent Earth Hour, which is my family barbeque.

What to do during Earth Hour?

I think there are lots of thing we can do during Earth Hour. Not just turning of lights. So we’ve discussed to have a quality time with the family and having our FIRST barbeque at home.

Job scope

Since I’ve experienced doing barbeque with my friend last year, I think its my job to take care of the grill and all the dirty works such as arranging the coals, burning and grilling. While my sisters and my mum take care of the foods, spaghetti and drinks.
Its hard to grill the chicken if you turn off the lights. You have to see the chicken otherwise it will get ‘well done’.

Our barbeque dinner ended about 11 o’clock and everyone is doing the part to clean up the garden. It is such a good time with family at home. I hope we can continue doing this activity in the future.

Earth Hour and Eco-Friendly Awareness

I guess, Earth Hour is a good move to give awareness to the society about their responsibility as a human being. In Islam, each of us is a Khalifah or successor and we have to take a good care of the environment. As a Muslim designer, it is my aim to involve in an eco-friendly project. All design firms, companies and manufacturers in this world should have their own eco-friendly approach as part of the company mission and vision. As far as I concern, IIUM also has taken its action to promote eco-friendly awareness through the usage of eco-pack food meals since 2008.

In 2005/06, I’ve heard a rumour about the usage of electricity in IIUM. If I’m not mistaken, they have to pay RM 1million per night. Hm, maybe its RM 1million per month. I’m not sure. That’s why students in my faculty are not allowed to stay up all night. It cost a lot! But I’ll always make sure that I’ll switch off the lights whenever I leave my studio. Its too bad because some of my friend will leave their computers and laptops on. What a waste.

“Every hour is an Earth Hour”

Credit to Ashraf Latif for the Earth Hour Malay translation which is ‘Jam Bumi‘.

P/S – how about your Earth Hour activity?

56 thoughts on “Earth Hour Family Barbeque”

    1. kalo wat setiap hari itu atas inisiatif diri sendiri boleh la kot. semoga akan datang, lebih ramai yg lebih menyedari kepentingan menjaga bumi ni..

    1. kalo wat setiap hari itu atas inisiatif diri sendiri boleh la kot. semoga akan datang, lebih ramai yg lebih menyedari kepentingan menjaga bumi ni..

    1. ow. itu betul2 bergelap. cool jugak. da lama tak wat recall. maybe next program bulan 5 ni boleh la ada kem motivasi / ibadah.

    1. ow. itu betul2 bergelap. cool jugak. da lama tak wat recall. maybe next program bulan 5 ni boleh la ada kem motivasi / ibadah.

  1. salam.encik adlan. hehe ni xdak kena mengena ngan earth hour. jz nk mntak pndpt, kamu da mlalui byk zmn kaedfest kn? sy trlibat dlm kaedfest, jd nk mntak pndpt seorg yg tlah dulu mkn garam…rase2nya pe yg prlu di baiki dn diubah dan dibaharui dlm kaedfest. mgkin kmu ada cdgn yg bijak blh dikongsi.. tq. =) slm.

    munadhia latest post: Pas menang, Islam gemilang!insyaAllah.

    1. Salam. ye cik Izyan. takpe2 walaupun takde kaitan dengan earth hour. Sori lambat reply komen. Ada final submission.
      Tahniah sebab terlibat dalam KF09. Memang banyak perkara yg telah saya lalui. Rasa memang taknak ulang segala kesilapan lalu dan mahukan KF jadi lebih baik dari tahun sebelum2nya.

      Cadangan peribadi:
      1. Jadikan KF sebagai satu2nya acara seni atau arts event in UIA. Maklumlah KAED satu2nya kulliyah yang berteraskan seni. Gabungkan seni2 kontemporari dengan unsur2 Islamik. Itu akan menjadikan identiti unik bagi KF utk golongan remaja mendekati arts, architecture dan juga kesenian islam.
      2. Adakan program2 dan pertandingan untuk para pengunjung. Contoh pertandingan hias buah (2005), sculptural competition; calligraphy (2006), kids mural painting (2007). Tahun lepas 2008 saya tak sempat follow. Maybe kamu ada join.
      3. Promosi sangat penting. Sponsorship kena start awal. Hubungi / liaise dengan pihak2 berkaitan dari event management utk acara2 yg menarik.
      4. KF 09 bukan utk pelajar KAED saja. Beri peluang utk semua pelajar dari Kuliyah lain rasa dijemput dan excitement utk KF. Selalu sangat KF ni diorang rasa mcm event utk bdak KAED saje. Buat program seperti PC fair dimana semua student rasa nak datang!
      5. Setup online promotion menggunakan blog seperti Promosi melalui blog2 students dan forum ( juga sangat berkesan.
      6. Promosi belon gergasi. Dulu saya penah plan nak buat tapi tak tau nak contact mana. Rupa2nya ada dalam Manfaatkan kegunaannya utk menganjurkan program yang terbaik!

      Banyak lagi perkara boleh diperbaiki dalam menganjurkan acara seni. boleh baca entri psl KF yang lepas di sini.
      Kaed Fest 06
      Kaed Fest 07
      Kaed Fest 08
      Tapi ada juga art event di luar sana yang menarik tapi agak hedonistik la. tapi boleh tiru perkara yang elok2.
      contohnya WU-HUU 09 di Ipoh hujung minggu ni.

  2. salam.encik adlan. hehe ni xdak kena mengena ngan earth hour. jz nk mntak pndpt, kamu da mlalui byk zmn kaedfest kn? sy trlibat dlm kaedfest, jd nk mntak pndpt seorg yg tlah dulu mkn garam…rase2nya pe yg prlu di baiki dn diubah dan dibaharui dlm kaedfest. mgkin kmu ada cdgn yg bijak blh dikongsi.. tq. =) slm.

    munadhia latest post: Pas menang, Islam gemilang!insyaAllah.

    1. Salam. ye cik Izyan. takpe2 walaupun takde kaitan dengan earth hour. Sori lambat reply komen. Ada final submission.
      Tahniah sebab terlibat dalam KF09. Memang banyak perkara yg telah saya lalui. Rasa memang taknak ulang segala kesilapan lalu dan mahukan KF jadi lebih baik dari tahun sebelum2nya.

      Cadangan peribadi:
      1. Jadikan KF sebagai satu2nya acara seni atau arts event in UIA. Maklumlah KAED satu2nya kulliyah yang berteraskan seni. Gabungkan seni2 kontemporari dengan unsur2 Islamik. Itu akan menjadikan identiti unik bagi KF utk golongan remaja mendekati arts, architecture dan juga kesenian islam.
      2. Adakan program2 dan pertandingan untuk para pengunjung. Contoh pertandingan hias buah (2005), sculptural competition; calligraphy (2006), kids mural painting (2007). Tahun lepas 2008 saya tak sempat follow. Maybe kamu ada join.
      3. Promosi sangat penting. Sponsorship kena start awal. Hubungi / liaise dengan pihak2 berkaitan dari event management utk acara2 yg menarik.
      4. KF 09 bukan utk pelajar KAED saja. Beri peluang utk semua pelajar dari Kuliyah lain rasa dijemput dan excitement utk KF. Selalu sangat KF ni diorang rasa mcm event utk bdak KAED saje. Buat program seperti PC fair dimana semua student rasa nak datang!
      5. Setup online promotion menggunakan blog seperti Promosi melalui blog2 students dan forum ( juga sangat berkesan.
      6. Promosi belon gergasi. Dulu saya penah plan nak buat tapi tak tau nak contact mana. Rupa2nya ada dalam Manfaatkan kegunaannya utk menganjurkan program yang terbaik!

      Banyak lagi perkara boleh diperbaiki dalam menganjurkan acara seni. boleh baca entri psl KF yang lepas di sini.
      Kaed Fest 06
      Kaed Fest 07
      Kaed Fest 08
      Tapi ada juga art event di luar sana yang menarik tapi agak hedonistik la. tapi boleh tiru perkara yang elok2.
      contohnya WU-HUU 09 di Ipoh hujung minggu ni.

    1. haha.. best mkn KFC. da lama x makan. abes blaja ni nak pekena KFC gak la. maybe diorang tak prepare utk earth hour kot malam tu..
      rasanya sem ni mcm paling banyak barbeque kot.. dgn akhi, dgn kwn skolah, dgn family.. huhu

    1. haha.. best mkn KFC. da lama x makan. abes blaja ni nak pekena KFC gak la. maybe diorang tak prepare utk earth hour kot malam tu..
      rasanya sem ni mcm paling banyak barbeque kot.. dgn akhi, dgn kwn skolah, dgn family.. huhu

    1. thanx dude. sounds cool tapi panas kat luar umah tu mengadap bara! haha

      even kalau pakai CAC for taaruf week pun da makan ribu2 da. aircond, lampu segala.. apatah lagi di studio yg hidup 24 jam itu..

    1. thanx dude. sounds cool tapi panas kat luar umah tu mengadap bara! haha

      even kalau pakai CAC for taaruf week pun da makan ribu2 da. aircond, lampu segala.. apatah lagi di studio yg hidup 24 jam itu..

  3. Wow, having barbeque with family during Earth Hour?! bestnyaaa…

    Erm, saya pn rasa Earth Hour ni patut buat setiap bulan. Kalau setiap hari tu cam susah skit la.. sbb ianya melibatkan banyak perkara.. kalau sebulan sekali tu rasanya ok kot 🙂

    !x0r@ latest post: Why me?

    1. wah.. buat sebulan sekali.. mantap jugak cadangan tu! hehe.

      actually apa2 saja kita buat asalkan meluangkan masa berkualiti bersama family mesti la best!!

  4. Wow, having barbeque with family during Earth Hour?! bestnyaaa…

    Erm, saya pn rasa Earth Hour ni patut buat setiap bulan. Kalau setiap hari tu cam susah skit la.. sbb ianya melibatkan banyak perkara.. kalau sebulan sekali tu rasanya ok kot 🙂

    !x0r@ latest post: Why me?

    1. wah.. buat sebulan sekali.. mantap jugak cadangan tu! hehe.

      actually apa2 saja kita buat asalkan meluangkan masa berkualiti bersama family mesti la best!!

  5. one hour bergelap to save the world, my a**. one of the biggest rubbish i’ve heard all year. one hour bergelap does not save the world, it’s DAILY conservation that does the job. save energy, save earth. not one hour bergelap which was a blatant nonsense (i read maxride, and saving the world isn’t so sweatless of an indoor game, mate. it’s an extreme sport). and amazingly the artis-artis and public figures segala are also promoting this all the while missing THAT freakingly obvious point. maybe they’re just hopeless.

    well. that night, i turned of every single electrical appliance in my house for one hour, too. but not with that baseless, nonsensical thought of ‘hey, im saving the world right now’, but to simply show that i’m a malaysian – and i unite with the rest under one action even though it was pointless. just that.

    bad comment. sorry. but i just dont comprehend some people’s concept of saving the world.

    don’t anybody learn anything from superheroes?

    that saving the world is not something pointless?

    nice picture, btw. was that chicken?

    1. OK. as always you always leave your provocative comment on my blog. but I like it!

      Yes I agreed with you. While doing my project and research about the green products and environmental friendly issues, switching off lights for one hour won’t make much differents. That’s why I’ve put a quote in this entry, “every hour is an earth hour”. But this activity is supposed to be the initial concept in giving awareness for others to play their roles no matter who they are.

      I believe that sis Nani is a good superhero then. haha!

      Yep, its a chicken. You do have eagle eye!

  6. one hour bergelap to save the world, my a**. one of the biggest rubbish i’ve heard all year. one hour bergelap does not save the world, it’s DAILY conservation that does the job. save energy, save earth. not one hour bergelap which was a blatant nonsense (i read maxride, and saving the world isn’t so sweatless of an indoor game, mate. it’s an extreme sport). and amazingly the artis-artis and public figures segala are also promoting this all the while missing THAT freakingly obvious point. maybe they’re just hopeless.

    well. that night, i turned of every single electrical appliance in my house for one hour, too. but not with that baseless, nonsensical thought of ‘hey, im saving the world right now’, but to simply show that i’m a malaysian – and i unite with the rest under one action even though it was pointless. just that.

    bad comment. sorry. but i just dont comprehend some people’s concept of saving the world.

    don’t anybody learn anything from superheroes?

    that saving the world is not something pointless?

    nice picture, btw. was that chicken?

    1. OK. as always you always leave your provocative comment on my blog. but I like it!

      Yes I agreed with you. While doing my project and research about the green products and environmental friendly issues, switching off lights for one hour won’t make much differents. That’s why I’ve put a quote in this entry, “every hour is an earth hour”. But this activity is supposed to be the initial concept in giving awareness for others to play their roles no matter who they are.

      I believe that sis Nani is a good superhero then. haha!

      Yep, its a chicken. You do have eagle eye!

    1. Ish3. yeke air-cond bukak? Nama pun air-cond sistem da centralised. Memang la sejuk je. Tapi memang bazir duit.

      Sabar jela bro. KAED malam2 pun tak bukak pun aircond.

    1. Ish3. yeke air-cond bukak? Nama pun air-cond sistem da centralised. Memang la sejuk je. Tapi memang bazir duit.

      Sabar jela bro. KAED malam2 pun tak bukak pun aircond.

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