ECHoeS Card: Printable E-Code Halal Status Card PDF

View my web app E-Code Halal Filter to check the status instantly.


This card shows the e-code numbers with their halal status. Most of the time, it is hard to tell whether a product is halal or not just by looking at the E-Codes or E-Numbers in its ingredients. This card is designed so that consumers can easily scan through the numbers and refer to the card to make sure a product is halal.

  • Editable PDF with Illustrator CS4 or newer
  • Landscape layout 90mm x 55mm and portrait layout 55mm x 90mm
  • CMYK
  • Font – Myriad Pro

Is there an app for that?

Yes, there’s an app that works the same, by showing the halal status and some description about it. But by using this card, you can free yourself from using smartphone or any means of technology. Based on my observation, most apps take awhile to load. If you are shopping or browsing in the supermarket in hurry, you don’t have time to swipe or key in the numbers manually into your phone. The point of creating this card is to save your time and simplify the process of checking the halal status.

Which country shows the E-Codes or E-Numbers

According to Wikipedia, only some countries use these number on the products. They are:

  • European Union countries – including Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
  • Arab States of the Gulf – including Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Israel


  1. Download the template in PDF
  2. Load in white A4 paper or card in your printer
  3. Set your printer for colour print and set print actual size.
  4. Cut according to the trim marks using a cutter


  1. You can put it in your wallet or in your pocket, wherever is accessible and within reach
  2. Analyze the ingredients on a product. If it states the origin is from vegetable source, then skip to the next number.
  3. If there’s no vegetable mentioned, now you can refer to the card.
  4. If you still want to buy the product, it is up to you. You can also contact the manufacturer to enquire about the manufacturing process and ingredients related to it

What does the color mean?

DEPENDS (gray) – or conditional. If it is made from plant or mineral, it is halal. If it is from animal, it’s likely not halal.
MUSHBOOH (yellow) – it is in doubt of their halal status. Avoid products containing these numbers.
HARAM (red) – Obviously means Haram.



Version 2.0. – 14/10/12

  1. Updated source from GuidedWays website and iEat Halal iPhone app.
  2. Available in landscape and portrait layout

Version 1.0 – 15/6/11

  1. Source taken from MobiDev Tech. iPhone app

11 thoughts on “ECHoeS Card: Printable E-Code Halal Status Card PDF”

  1. Pingback: Halal E-Codes Card: Simple guide to check halal ingredients | AdlanKhalidi

  2. Pingback: E-Code Halal Status (ECHoeS) Card 2.0 released | AdlanKhalidi

  3. Dear Brother,
    Assalam O Alaikum

    I must appreciate your efforts in guidingas about Halal and haram in a better way. May Allah reward you the best for this effort. My question is that in your cards you have not mentioned all the E numbers, so what is the status of those E numbers which you have not mentioned. Are these all halal?. Moreover I am a bit confused from many sites which gives the status of the E numbers. There are a few numbers which are reflected in your card as the “Depends” but in other sites it is written as “Mushbooh. Furthermore, I read somewhere about E 999 as Haram which is not covered in your E Card. Please clarify my queries if you can. Thanks

    Jazak Allah

    1. Waalaikumsalam Brother,
      Thank you for your comment. The number which is not shown on the card is absolutely Halal. I only show number which we need to be aware of.

      I’m truly sorry because I’m only using two sources to refer the halal status. This card was designed back in 2012 so that explain why E999 is not listed in the card.

      If you have further queries or suggestion, you can post it on my E-Code website forum. Let’s hope someone out there will answer it for you.

      Thank you

  4. Pingback: E-code Halal Filter Web App to Check E-numbers Halal Status

    1. It is best to contact bulla because recently a Muslim here in Australia contacted them and they said most of their products contain flavours from alcohol for the ice cream.. ..not yogurt and the one that was halal I forget which one it was but you can email them it’s not good enough to say most r halal ….. maybe Australia is different to Malaysia too as they make it according to a country’s desire to be poplular
      May Allah reward u.

  5. Assalamu alayku brother, there are some food product like magi cubes, onga cubes which contains some of the e. codes. I called the producer and they denied that they don’t use haram ingredient, they can’t even explain to me the meaning of the e codes. should we continued to consume their product or not.

    1. Waalaykum brother. Thank you for asking for my opinion. I’m not a scholar or expert in this field.

      I think they’re not sure what does it mean. Maybe you can ask specific question, like what’s the origin of these ingredients.

      If they’re hiding something, I would take a precautionary measures and I’ll stop consuming their products.

  6. Pingback: Sulit Cari Makanan Halal di Australia & New Zealand

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