Ice Skating at Sunway Pyramid

I’ve went for an ice skating with 14 Taaruf committee members at Sunway Pyramid during the New Year holiday. It was my third time. The last time was on 2005, when I was still studying in Matric PJ.

I drive to Sunway and parked outside the new wing near Jusco. The valet parking costs me RM8 for the whole day. Its much cheaper than parking inside the basement, which cost RM2 per hour. Luckily, I was there for more than 6 hours. (6×2=RM12).

Lunch at Pizza Hut
I’ve met my friends at Pizza Hut. They told me that we are going to have lunch first and we’ll ice skating after Zohor prayer. It was my first time ordering Personal Pizza Island Supreme too. Before I went to Sunway, I’ve checked their website to confirm about the price and ice resurfacing schedule. So, during public holiday, it costs me RM21. I’m glad that I bring my own glove and socks. So I don’t have to waste another RM10 for that. For the afternoon session, they resurface at 2pm and 4pm. So we started skating at 2.30pm.

I really missed ice skating since the last time in matric. After I’ve been to main campus, I rarely went to Sunway. Besides that, its hard to get some people who enjoyed ice skating. Actually, I’m not that good. But I tried not to fall on the ice. Otherwise, my shirt and pants will get wet. If you are newbie, consider of bringing extra shirts too. Maybe you’ll also need some bandage in case your feet will blister when wearing the skating shoe.
We have fun with ice skating from 2.30pm till 5.30pm. I’m glad that I did not fall, not even once after skating for 3 hours. Since it was holiday, there are lots of people from all walks of life, kids and parents, boys and girls, newbies and professional. So, I really have to be extra careful otherwise I’ll simply hit others.

Well, I can say that most people will take lots of opportunity while ice skating. Most people will hold each others hand and skate together. Despite wearing gloves, I don’t think its nice. Many things can happen while skating. Its up to oneself to observe his/her behaviour and muamalah. I’m not being narrow minded but always take a good care of yourself while skating.

New Year Celebration: Day vs Night
I prefer going out and enjoy the whole day rather than staying up all night and watching the wasted fireworks. Night is meant for men to rest and relax. Besides that, ice skating is not open at night.

So, how’s your new year celebration? Have you try ice skating?

P/S- you are not allowed to take a picture on the ice rink

93 thoughts on “Ice Skating at Sunway Pyramid”

  1. brapa lama to skate for that price?
    i never tried ice staking before even though now is the right time haha
    i’m way too lazy to freeze out there
    brrrr.. haha

    oh well.. i guess that i’ll try ice skating at least once lol.. even though pretty much i’ll be tertungging kot hahahahaha

    Adila latest post: Entri BENGANG!

    1. unlimited hours. selagi larat, kaki tak penat or melecet, main la sampai lebam (lenjun) hehe..
      tp i believe kt sana ada public nye skating kan.. mcm kt tasik ke..

    2. byk!! jln je sure jumpa beberapa hehe
      but ade gak tpt yg sgt best; scenery mmg superb!

      hari tuh ada kat hyde park, mahal giler kot
      pastu utk beberapa jam je 🙁

      Adila latest post: 2009 Anime!

  2. brapa lama to skate for that price?
    i never tried ice staking before even though now is the right time haha
    i’m way too lazy to freeze out there
    brrrr.. haha

    oh well.. i guess that i’ll try ice skating at least once lol.. even though pretty much i’ll be tertungging kot hahahahaha

    Adila latest post: Entri BENGANG!

    1. unlimited hours. selagi larat, kaki tak penat or melecet, main la sampai lebam (lenjun) hehe..
      tp i believe kt sana ada public nye skating kan.. mcm kt tasik ke..

    2. byk!! jln je sure jumpa beberapa hehe
      but ade gak tpt yg sgt best; scenery mmg superb!

      hari tuh ada kat hyde park, mahal giler kot
      pastu utk beberapa jam je 🙁

      Adila latest post: 2009 Anime!

  3. heheh.. ice skating sounds nice, tak penah lak nk try sblm ni, w/pon teringin gak.
    akk lak smbut new year kt JJ wangsa maju jek, men kat arked dgn rakan2, haha.. kak aton dgn fairuz pon join 🙂

  4. heheh.. ice skating sounds nice, tak penah lak nk try sblm ni, w/pon teringin gak.
    akk lak smbut new year kt JJ wangsa maju jek, men kat arked dgn rakan2, haha.. kak aton dgn fairuz pon join 🙂

  5. ooo..terujanya..u did’nt fall even once? dah makin expert la ni? hm..’Night is meant for men to rest and relax’? really? (ok betul la dalam Quran ada state)but it’s the opposite i guess here in my studio.

    1. hehe. takdela expert. tak reti nak wat emergency brake lagi.. takut je terlanggar orang..

      yea.. ko kan burung antu.. ske qiamullail..

  6. ooo..terujanya..u did’nt fall even once? dah makin expert la ni? hm..’Night is meant for men to rest and relax’? really? (ok betul la dalam Quran ada state)but it’s the opposite i guess here in my studio.

  7. waaa~
    sape lg committee yg g!
    baiti xpegi sbb ktorg g main boling~

    nanti kt kuar ramai2 g main boling lak yeh~
    kna hati2 dgn ropi~
    die terer~

    1. tapi kalo lagi ramai biro2 lain, mesti meriah nye tgk baiti jatuh basah kuyup ke.. hehe.. alamak. boling tak terer pun. terer masukkan dalam longkang bleh la!! hehe

  8. waaa~
    sape lg committee yg g!
    baiti xpegi sbb ktorg g main boling~

    nanti kt kuar ramai2 g main boling lak yeh~
    kna hati2 dgn ropi~
    die terer~

    1. tapi kalo lagi ramai biro2 lain, mesti meriah nye tgk baiti jatuh basah kuyup ke.. hehe.. alamak. boling tak terer pun. terer masukkan dalam longkang bleh la!! hehe

  9. Whoa! You didn’t fall at all? Not even once? You sound like an expert already. I still remember vividly my first ice skating experience. It was such a pain in the ass, literally! Haha..

    I always go to Sunway Pyramid anyway. Dekat sgt ngan rumah. Dang! Missing home!! Nak balik~

    Mira latest post: A goodbye from me for real.

    1. to be honest, ada la skali yg hampir2 jatuh sebab ilang fokus. tapi dpt balance badan balik. tak expert pun. jalan2 biasa boleh la. kan best kalo bleh main slalu.. mesti leh expert! nnt balik malaysia ajak kwn2 main skali la!!

  10. Whoa! You didn’t fall at all? Not even once? You sound like an expert already. I still remember vividly my first ice skating experience. It was such a pain in the ass, literally! Haha..

    I always go to Sunway Pyramid anyway. Dekat sgt ngan rumah. Dang! Missing home!! Nak balik~

    Mira latest post: A goodbye from me for real.

    1. to be honest, ada la skali yg hampir2 jatuh sebab ilang fokus. tapi dpt balance badan balik. tak expert pun. jalan2 biasa boleh la. kan best kalo bleh main slalu.. mesti leh expert! nnt balik malaysia ajak kwn2 main skali la!!

  11. never been ice-skating. only know the theoretical approach of doing it. not really interested. will be if engaged. maybe. nice pictures. seems like you had fun. happy for you. havent seen you (at my blog) in a while. busy kah?

    Nani-chan latest post: THAT different?

    1. thanks sis nani.. one day you should try skating k. its not dat fun but its another way of getting fun with friends.

      yep. quite busy. still don’t get a hang of my life this semester. life’s not gonna be the same unlike previous semester..

  12. never been ice-skating. only know the theoretical approach of doing it. not really interested. will be if engaged. maybe. nice pictures. seems like you had fun. happy for you. havent seen you (at my blog) in a while. busy kah?

    Nani-chan latest post: THAT different?

    1. thanks sis nani.. one day you should try skating k. its not dat fun but its another way of getting fun with friends.

      yep. quite busy. still don’t get a hang of my life this semester. life’s not gonna be the same unlike previous semester..

  13. Dulu akak kerja part time di KFC tingkat atas tu. Masa rehat selalu menebeng daria atas dan menonton mereka ber ‘ice-skating’ di bawah. Mahu cuba tapi bimbang.

    Aktiviti yang menarik untuk semua lapisan masyarakat. Tapi jangan jadikan aktiviti itu satu kesempatan untuk kita langgar-langgar atau pegang-pegang pasangan kita. Islam tetap islam kan? kena jagalah.

    bayan latest post: Hati Sampah

    1. menebeng (first time dengar)

      akak ajak la suami dan anak pergi main kalau ada kelapangan. benar. org yang main ice skating mmg punya kesempatan tapi sendiri kena ingat la kan..

      lg best kalau dapat main dengan satu family. asyik dgn kawan2 je..

  14. Dulu akak kerja part time di KFC tingkat atas tu. Masa rehat selalu menebeng daria atas dan menonton mereka ber ‘ice-skating’ di bawah. Mahu cuba tapi bimbang.

    Aktiviti yang menarik untuk semua lapisan masyarakat. Tapi jangan jadikan aktiviti itu satu kesempatan untuk kita langgar-langgar atau pegang-pegang pasangan kita. Islam tetap islam kan? kena jagalah.

    bayan latest post: Hati Sampah

    1. menebeng (first time dengar)

      akak ajak la suami dan anak pergi main kalau ada kelapangan. benar. org yang main ice skating mmg punya kesempatan tapi sendiri kena ingat la kan..

      lg best kalau dapat main dengan satu family. asyik dgn kawan2 je..

  15. Pernah pergi, 2 kali, hehe..

    Yup, banyak benda luar jangkaan boleh berlaku kat tempat tu, terlanggar orang, dilanggar orang, dan macam-macam ter lagi. huhu..

    Teringin nak pergi lagi tahun ni, InsyaAllah.

  16. Pernah pergi, 2 kali, hehe..

    Yup, banyak benda luar jangkaan boleh berlaku kat tempat tu, terlanggar orang, dilanggar orang, dan macam-macam ter lagi. huhu..

    Teringin nak pergi lagi tahun ni, InsyaAllah.

    1. Yela. sebagai student yang takde banyak uwang nye.. kena la bajet macam2 even nak have fun. final sem ni.. kena banyak save!! tak tau bila lagi nak have fun pasni..

    1. Yela. sebagai student yang takde banyak uwang nye.. kena la bajet macam2 even nak have fun. final sem ni.. kena banyak save!! tak tau bila lagi nak have fun pasni..

  17. Pingback: New Year Tag Duo |

  18. Pingback: 12 Tips on How to Become A Best Student » - I came, I saw and I blog!

    1. kasut skating boleh sewa. weekend RM21. kalau hari biasa murah sikit.

      Kalau mahu belajar ikut kelas, tak pasti. tapi mesti beratus2 setiap bulan yurannya. tapi kalau nak cuba skating, takde masalah. datang je sunway.

    1. kasut skating boleh sewa. weekend RM21. kalau hari biasa murah sikit.

      Kalau mahu belajar ikut kelas, tak pasti. tapi mesti beratus2 setiap bulan yurannya. tapi kalau nak cuba skating, takde masalah. datang je sunway.

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