Israel & Zionists: What should we do?

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Today, I want to talk about the current issue about Palestin. I know I’m a bit late. I’m a bit ignorance about this issue. So, after doing some readings and attended a kuliah, here’s what I think about what we can do to support Palestin and how we can help ourselves.

1. Condemn Israel

Its the first thing we can do and the easiest. What they did is totally wrong and inhumane. They are not just killing Muslim in Palestine, but they are so inhumane that they’ve killed anyone that came across them. I prefer to do it through this blog as thousands of people all across the world can understand how I feel. Its better if you can go for the demonstration and bring banners and posters too.

2. Pray for the Muslim in Palestin

Its the least that you can do. Pray for them and recite Qunut Nazilah. I’ve received many SMS from my friends to pray for the Palestin. But its quite confusing about the Quranic verses because I don’t carry Quran software in my handphone. Some of the suggested ones are Al-Mulk, Al-Anfal, At-Taubah and some verses from Al-Fath (26-27) and Al-Yunus (85-88).

Qunut Naazilah (It was my first time to hear about this)
(O Allaah, verily we seek Your help, we believe in You, we put our trust in You and we praise You and we are not ungrateful to You. O Allaah, You alone we worship and to You we pray and prostrate, for Your sake we strive. We hope for Your mercy and fear Your punishment, for Your punishment will certainly reach the disbelievers. O Allaah, punish the infidels of the People of the Book who are preventing others from following Your way).”

Please note that, this is only some sample of the prayers. I always keep in mind that a prayer is flexible and it can be done in any language and any means. As long as your main intention is to pray for the well being of the Muslim and the punishment for the Israel and Zionists.

BACA ARTIKEL:   10 Lagu Nasyid Tokoh dalam Sejarah Islam

Personally, I don’t forward these messages because I have doubt with it. As a Muslim, we should investigate the news first before spreading it. This is what I’ve found about the forwarding message issue.

3. Boycott US and Israeli Products

Its sad to see some local Muslim who are underestimating the power of boycotting products. I believe that these action will bring a long term effect. The main issue here is that, I don’t care if you are Muslim or not, as long as you are a mankind, do boycott US and Israeli Products. There are lots of alternative products which you can use for your daily life. If you don’t trust local brands, go for China and Japan brands.

Here’s my suggestion on some of the alternative that closely related to me.
Carrefour and Tesco – Giant Hypermarket
Coca Cola – I prefer other softdrinks or simply Teh Tarik
Nestle – I drink Milo everyday and I have to switch to Ovaltine or Vico then. Nescafe?
Maggi – I believe there’s dozens of instant noodle brands on the shelf
KitKat – its one of Nestle products too. Get Cadbury then.
Friskies – My cat should get ‘Whiskers’ then
Colgate – Darlie, Sensodyne or Ubat Gigi Herba from HPA
Timberland – I have a fake Timberland shoe
McDonalds – Go for a street Ramly or Otai burger
Starbucks – Old Town, Home Town white coffee etc.
Intel – I use AMD processor
IBM – Buy Apple computers or make a cloned one
NOKIA – I’m using Sony Ericsson
20th Century Fox – Don’t go to cinema. Just download the Torrent or copy from your friend.
Disney, National Geographic and CNN – Don’t subscribe Astro (WTH?)

BACA ARTIKEL:   10 Lagu Nasyid Tokoh dalam Sejarah Islam

4. Donate and Support Palestin

Its good that you’ve played your role in boycotting those brands. On the other hand, you should also support Palestin by donate and contribute some of your wealth. Here’s Palestin Humanitarian Fund (DAKAP) organized by Islamic Relief Malaysia and Utusan Malaysia.

What are you waiting for, login to Maybank2U and choose Funds Transfer to Third Party Account.
5621 4270 8704 (Maybank)
1259 0000 8040 58 (CIMB)

If you don’t have online banking, just go to Cash Deposit machine at the bank. Don’t forget to put these account number on your phone.

5. Boycott Hedonism

Finally, it is going to be the toughest thing for us to do. Its all about being a good Muslim and returning back to Islam. The powerful Jews in the world is not just controlling the economy, but they also try to control our mind and soul. That’s why Muslim are getting weaker day by day. Its a a fight within ourselves, fight against our desire. Let’s try to reduce our dependency on the entertainments stuff and try to focus on worldly and Islamic knowledge. Its sad to see that Malaysia is the top ten in supporting the entertainment industry.

Till then, its quite a long post. Thanks for reading. Credits to Ustaz Hasrizal for his kuliah on last Monday.

I’ll end this entry with a simple graphic ad.
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Follow AdvocatingPeace website daily Palestine news.

54 thoughts on “Israel & Zionists: What should we do?”

  1. Bagi saya Israel = Zionist = Yahudi. Sesungguhnya mereka adalah sama.. Israel tidak akan wujud tanpa Yahudi, Yahudi itu yang mencipta Israel dan, cita-cita untuk membentuk negara Israel tidak akan berjaya tanpa adanya pelan tindakan Zionism mereka…

    Buatlah dan berkorbanlah walau sedikit mana sekali pun demi Palestine.


    nono latest post: Pengetahuan buat semua…

  2. Bagi saya Israel = Zionist = Yahudi. Sesungguhnya mereka adalah sama.. Israel tidak akan wujud tanpa Yahudi, Yahudi itu yang mencipta Israel dan, cita-cita untuk membentuk negara Israel tidak akan berjaya tanpa adanya pelan tindakan Zionism mereka…

    Buatlah dan berkorbanlah walau sedikit mana sekali pun demi Palestine.


    nono latest post: Pengetahuan buat semua…

  3. this list of stuff to be boycotted is so old i wonder why ppl are making such a fuss right now..ish. i’ve been boycotting as much of jew prods as i could ever since the list came out aeons ago (when i was still a UiTM tesl kid)..oh well, its sad that we arent able to do much. to me, when i look at myself..and remember that boycotting those stuff and doing solat hajat are like..the most i could do, it makes me sick. i do hope, honestly, to be able to do bigger things..more significant things, and it saddens me deeply realizing it’s hard (not impossible). argh thinking of it makes me cry~

    Nani-chan latest post: Like, a week~!?

    1. yea. keep on boycotting these products, its not a big fuss for me.

      glad that u r such a noble person la kak nani.. the most important thing right now is to ‘boycott jews product’ and also ‘kill the jews in you’

      that’s gonna be a tough one right!?

      myadlan latest post: 10 tanda lelaki sedia untuk komitmen

  4. this list of stuff to be boycotted is so old i wonder why ppl are making such a fuss right now..ish. i’ve been boycotting as much of jew prods as i could ever since the list came out aeons ago (when i was still a UiTM tesl kid)..oh well, its sad that we arent able to do much. to me, when i look at myself..and remember that boycotting those stuff and doing solat hajat are like..the most i could do, it makes me sick. i do hope, honestly, to be able to do bigger things..more significant things, and it saddens me deeply realizing it’s hard (not impossible). argh thinking of it makes me cry~

    Nani-chan latest post: Like, a week~!?

    1. kempen boikot besar2an melanda kampus gombak. dasyat skali.. haha takkanla budak2 CFS tak cukup matang lagi utk menilai baik buruk kan?

    1. kempen boikot besar2an melanda kampus gombak. dasyat skali.. haha takkanla budak2 CFS tak cukup matang lagi utk menilai baik buruk kan?

  5. en nabil…teriingin lak nak tau lagi pasal khutbah DD kt USM tu…duk lam USM pon x dapt nk dengar..sbb x g solat jumaat..hhuu…can u please share more with us … 🙂

    1. ni antara isi2 dia..

      introduction khutbah mengenai sejarah Palestin, and penubuhan Israel pd 1948..(rujuk buku sejarah for details)
      isi: dok DD cerita pasal sejarah, akhirnye dia menyelit kan isi yg menusuk kalbu para jemaah.
      isi #1: kene kuat kan ilmu…jgn dok belajar malas2….etc etc
      isi #2: ibadah…ibadah tunggang terbalik tp satu pon x difahami ..sedih….
      pastu dia sebut kene refer to Quran & Sunnah…..yg ni dia pon ber kias2 menghentam sesetengah pihak :(….dok bergaduh sini sana…
      Penutup: sebut semula pasal Palestin..boycott and mengapa kita perlu boycott? umat islam berbillion2..kalo kita boycott pastu runtuh economy US & Israel..kita maju kan economy Islam..DD juga sebut HARAM merokok esp yg guna Phillip Morris….HARAM HARAM (semua jemaah tersentak sakit jantung)….dahla membazir..fatwa dulu kata haram tp org x dgr…fatwa mufti2 diorg x endah…

      Khutbah kedua pendek dgn sepotong ayat quran..lupa ayat apa…

      itu la antara isi2 nya…

  6. en nabil…teriingin lak nak tau lagi pasal khutbah DD kt USM tu…duk lam USM pon x dapt nk dengar..sbb x g solat jumaat..hhuu…can u please share more with us … 🙂

    1. ni antara isi2 dia..

      introduction khutbah mengenai sejarah Palestin, and penubuhan Israel pd 1948..(rujuk buku sejarah for details)
      isi: dok DD cerita pasal sejarah, akhirnye dia menyelit kan isi yg menusuk kalbu para jemaah.
      isi #1: kene kuat kan ilmu…jgn dok belajar malas2….etc etc
      isi #2: ibadah…ibadah tunggang terbalik tp satu pon x difahami ..sedih….
      pastu dia sebut kene refer to Quran & Sunnah…..yg ni dia pon ber kias2 menghentam sesetengah pihak :(….dok bergaduh sini sana…
      Penutup: sebut semula pasal Palestin..boycott and mengapa kita perlu boycott? umat islam berbillion2..kalo kita boycott pastu runtuh economy US & Israel..kita maju kan economy Islam..DD juga sebut HARAM merokok esp yg guna Phillip Morris….HARAM HARAM (semua jemaah tersentak sakit jantung)….dahla membazir..fatwa dulu kata haram tp org x dgr…fatwa mufti2 diorg x endah…

      Khutbah kedua pendek dgn sepotong ayat quran..lupa ayat apa…

      itu la antara isi2 nya…

  7. oh..pasal makanan alternative tu.. aku ganti cereal nestle dgn quaker oat, wild fruit crunch..err…roti dan keju.

    pastu nescafe diganti dgn oldtown coffee 3 in 1. so..cukup la menjadi bfast yg sehat! 😆

    shamel latest post: Ikan

  8. oh..pasal makanan alternative tu.. aku ganti cereal nestle dgn quaker oat, wild fruit crunch..err…roti dan keju.

    pastu nescafe diganti dgn oldtown coffee 3 in 1. so..cukup la menjadi bfast yg sehat! 😆

    shamel latest post: Ikan

  9. hmm..i dnt know if whatever i am saying ni will be taken its jst whats in my head n i wanted ur feedbacks..

    no1: korg yg minum oldtown ni ade heard x yg oldtown ni currently byk crite2 kate this oldtown bkn sume food dia halal? i dnt know la how far true it is tp cam da stop oldtown la 4 now..hopefully someone can sahihkn ke’halal’lan old town ni a.s.a.p..

    2. klu la kite boycott sume products ni, how about malaysian residents yg bkerja kat tmpt2 ni..(mcd,care4( yg mmg ramai betul muslim keje kat situ) ke ape company ke lah kan? camne derg nk keje? mmg lah kat msia ni blambak je tmpt nk i’ll give u a simple example la..

    ade dis one of the large n renowned company yg bley kate make millions gak gaji seriously agak kecik la..kesian je tgk technician gaji kecik tp kena keje yg fuh mmg mencabar ketabahan gak la.. n smpi bile borak2 ngan kwn2..kwn tu kate, baik keje mcd full time sbb degree grad pun dibayar kurang drp mcd byr..(pdhal company tu make millions okay)

    its not like i’m complaining(i admit la i bkn nye power pun nk demand) klu da cost of living tggi sgt, slh ke klu org tu mencari keje yg bley dia tanggung diri dia..?tu x msk ngan org yg da kawen n etc..

    so kan? klu kite boycott , ape impact pd org msia yg bgantung hidup kat company2 tu..not to mention now nk recession lg la byk org kena buang keje..camne tu?

    1. wow. such a long comment. as always, lets try to broaden our perspective regarding the boycott issue. my advice is try to read other blogs e.g. chedet on boycott.

      1. about old town white coffee issue, diorang ada report kat PPIM. check this link. tapi still not updated lagi la issue ni. da sebulan lebih da. i’ll update to you about it if i’ve got the info.

      2. yep. boycotting these company will affect the Malaysian company first. then it will affect their shareholders in US. that’s how it works. tapi memang kesian jugakla for those who works with these companies. they have the risk of being fired. personally, kalau dah keje kat situ, kena pandai2 tanggung risiko la. pandai2 la standby dan cari keje lain.

      dunia sekarang ni memang mencabar. if we da graduate pun, tak sure bleh dapat kerja senang2. rasanya tak salah kalau keje dgn company tu.

      btw thanx for your comment. really opened up my mind. realiti hidup ni memang diluar jangkaan.

      another interesting entry, read here.

  10. hmm..i dnt know if whatever i am saying ni will be taken its jst whats in my head n i wanted ur feedbacks..

    no1: korg yg minum oldtown ni ade heard x yg oldtown ni currently byk crite2 kate this oldtown bkn sume food dia halal? i dnt know la how far true it is tp cam da stop oldtown la 4 now..hopefully someone can sahihkn ke’halal’lan old town ni a.s.a.p..

    2. klu la kite boycott sume products ni, how about malaysian residents yg bkerja kat tmpt2 ni..(mcd,care4( yg mmg ramai betul muslim keje kat situ) ke ape company ke lah kan? camne derg nk keje? mmg lah kat msia ni blambak je tmpt nk i’ll give u a simple example la..

    ade dis one of the large n renowned company yg bley kate make millions gak gaji seriously agak kecik la..kesian je tgk technician gaji kecik tp kena keje yg fuh mmg mencabar ketabahan gak la.. n smpi bile borak2 ngan kwn2..kwn tu kate, baik keje mcd full time sbb degree grad pun dibayar kurang drp mcd byr..(pdhal company tu make millions okay)

    its not like i’m complaining(i admit la i bkn nye power pun nk demand) klu da cost of living tggi sgt, slh ke klu org tu mencari keje yg bley dia tanggung diri dia..?tu x msk ngan org yg da kawen n etc..

    so kan? klu kite boycott , ape impact pd org msia yg bgantung hidup kat company2 tu..not to mention now nk recession lg la byk org kena buang keje..camne tu?

    1. wow. such a long comment. as always, lets try to broaden our perspective regarding the boycott issue. my advice is try to read other blogs e.g. chedet on boycott.

      1. about old town white coffee issue, diorang ada report kat PPIM. check this link. tapi still not updated lagi la issue ni. da sebulan lebih da. i’ll update to you about it if i’ve got the info.

      2. yep. boycotting these company will affect the Malaysian company first. then it will affect their shareholders in US. that’s how it works. tapi memang kesian jugakla for those who works with these companies. they have the risk of being fired. personally, kalau dah keje kat situ, kena pandai2 tanggung risiko la. pandai2 la standby dan cari keje lain.

      dunia sekarang ni memang mencabar. if we da graduate pun, tak sure bleh dapat kerja senang2. rasanya tak salah kalau keje dgn company tu.

      btw thanx for your comment. really opened up my mind. realiti hidup ni memang diluar jangkaan.

      another interesting entry, read here.

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