Salam. I guess its not too late for me to wish a happy new year 2010 for all readers from all over the world. May this year bring more success and safer journey to all of us. In this entry, I have two important things to announce.
AdlanKhalidi Blog Niche
It has been two years since I blogged at There are lots of useful and some is not really useful information that I have shared. After I’ve been thinking about it, its time for me to set the niche topic for this blog.
As I’m supporting Mr. Prime Minister with making 2010 the year of innovation and creativity, I would like to introduce a brand new tagline for this blog, which is ‘Innovating Creative Minds’. It is my wish to contribute and spread the idea of creativity and innovation through this blog. New blog theme will be ready by February.
However, there won’t be much different because I will write my own personal view about these topics; design, creativity, technology, product / industrial design and architecture. There will be no more personal rants on this blog from now on. I’m sorry if I have to keep it private. (Twitter & Facebook will serve that purpose).
2010 Resolution
Just another to-do-list of 2009. After I’ve been thinking about it for some time, here’s what I plan to do this year (360 days left since I publish this post).
- Publish at least one e-book and make money from it
- Participate in online community actively
- Save and invest at least RM20k
- Publish 100 entries in this blog consistently
- Improve motion graphic techniques
- Getting fit and tone my upper body
- Serve the community
- Buy and read more books at least once a month
- Create WordPress and Blogger themes for free
- Sponsor customized design for personal blogs
I guess that’s all 10 that I can think of this year. Please pray for me so that I can achieve all of them, InsyaAllah.
hye i read your comment here yesterday ad i think you have a point. but also i think you should read the blogger’s response to you it’s really funny!!!
.-= Reeta B´s last blog ..Dugaan Lalu =-.
hye i read your comment here yesterday ad i think you have a point. but also i think you should read the blogger’s response to you it’s really funny!!!
.-= Reeta B´s last blog ..Dugaan Lalu =-.