My First Haircut at Allanz

It was 9th December and it was my first time to have my hair done at a unisex saloon. For the past 22 years, I’ve been a loyal customer to a barber shop near 7-Eleven AU2. I guess I should try something new.
The saloon was not named after me eventhough it is called Allanz. It is situated next to BSN Setiawangsa and can be seen from Giant Hypermarket. I did not cut my hair since June 2008 because I’m on practical training and away from university. So, its my only time to let my hair grow freely.

My hair is wavvy and curly. Some people call it ‘rambut ketak’ and it really doesn’t look nice if I let it grow long. That’s why I’ve decided to go to saloon. Maybe the hairstylist know how to style my hair. I go for blow and cut by senior hair stylist. It costs me RM25, whereas the barber at the street will charge me from RM5 to RM9. It reminds me of Beautiful Life, a J-Drama about a hairstylist (Takuya Kimura) who falls in love with a handicapped librarian.

In the end, he suggested for me to have some fringe. Haha. I looks funny like that. So this is my new look. The before picture was taken during my cousin’s wedding, and the new one is taken after Taaruf Week. (I’m back and I’m bound to the uni rules again)
There’s only one persona that have this wavy and curvy hair style. Introducing… Domyoji Tsukasa. Wonder if I can have this kind of hair too.
P/S – girls with fringe are cute but girls with niqab are mesmerizing

82 thoughts on “My First Haircut at Allanz”

  1. hm..wonder if u chose the saloon coz of its name.maybe u’re attracted to go there coz of that.nway, not much difference pun before and after.

  2. hm..wonder if u chose the saloon coz of its name.maybe u’re attracted to go there coz of that.nway, not much difference pun before and after.

  3. haha..betul la nampak lebih kurang dengan rambut mamat bawah tu.mcm x banyak je beza seblom ngn slepas tu..hehe…but still,smart la.. 🙂

  4. haha..betul la nampak lebih kurang dengan rambut mamat bawah tu.mcm x banyak je beza seblom ngn slepas tu..hehe…but still,smart la.. 🙂

    1. actually yang potong belah belakang n atas sket2 je. yg lain gaya sikat rambut tu.. tp nak wat gaya smart + skema sket. tp gambar ni tak jadi plak..

      okey.. banyak lidah plak.. hee klakar

    1. actually yang potong belah belakang n atas sket2 je. yg lain gaya sikat rambut tu.. tp nak wat gaya smart + skema sket. tp gambar ni tak jadi plak..

      okey.. banyak lidah plak.. hee klakar

  5. rm25 tu kire cheap la bro…klo kt uk nk potong mamak pn xde…potong plg murah pn dh 9pound..blum masuk salun kecantikan lg..konfirm xmkn sebulan klo kt bolehland…. so ak endup dh lame xptg rmbt..tggu blk mesia time summer kot bru ptg..haha

    1. haha. kat UK mesti la mahal. RM25 tu baru 5pound kan? padan la ko cakap murah..

      ala ko simpan jela rambut panjang2 bwh snowcap tu.. haha balik thn depan.. lama lagi..

  6. rm25 tu kire cheap la bro…klo kt uk nk potong mamak pn xde…potong plg murah pn dh 9pound..blum masuk salun kecantikan lg..konfirm xmkn sebulan klo kt bolehland…. so ak endup dh lame xptg rmbt..tggu blk mesia time summer kot bru ptg..haha

    1. haha. kat UK mesti la mahal. RM25 tu baru 5pound kan? padan la ko cakap murah..

      ala ko simpan jela rambut panjang2 bwh snowcap tu.. haha balik thn depan.. lama lagi..

    1. wah. cik nadh ni tau je spek tu mahal. agak mahal la. tapi terpaksa dirahsiakan harganya.. nnt org curi. .hehe. .

      ade ke org nak curi spek..?

    1. wah. cik nadh ni tau je spek tu mahal. agak mahal la. tapi terpaksa dirahsiakan harganya.. nnt org curi. .hehe. .

      ade ke org nak curi spek..?

  7. for someone who loves to stalk guy’s hairstyle, yeah..I think it got a little different from both pictures.. but i think you can do it yourself without going to saloon..hehh

    too bad u still studying, or else you could try having a longer hair ..

  8. for someone who loves to stalk guy’s hairstyle, yeah..I think it got a little different from both pictures.. but i think you can do it yourself without going to saloon..hehh

    too bad u still studying, or else you could try having a longer hair ..

  9. hmm..aku dulu rmbut pjg gak. taun lepas. tp taun ni imej rmbut pendek plak.
    yep..there’s different. short for me needs longer time to style whilst long hair needs less as they flow to their natural way.


    shamel latest post: For a student

    1. yeah. dat’s why i keep a long hair. senang nak style tapi leceh nak jaga. haha
      takpela. da keje simpan jela rambut panjang takde sape nak saman!

  10. hmm..aku dulu rmbut pjg gak. taun lepas. tp taun ni imej rmbut pendek plak.
    yep..there’s different. short for me needs longer time to style whilst long hair needs less as they flow to their natural way.


    shamel latest post: For a student

    1. yeah. dat’s why i keep a long hair. senang nak style tapi leceh nak jaga. haha
      takpela. da keje simpan jela rambut panjang takde sape nak saman!

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