To wrap up the winter school holiday, we planned a road trip to Snowy Mountains. This is the home of the best ski fields in Australia.
As Australia is in the southern hemisphere, winter comes in June-August while summer comes in December – February. It’s the other way round from the northern hemisphere (read: Europe, US etc)
The road trip from Newcastle to Jindabyne took more than 7 hours. We did have a stopover to pickup our friends in Sydney before continuing the journey. We arrived at the Acacia Snowy Motel at 7pm, unload our bags and had a rest after the long journey.
Table of Contents / Kandungan
Day 1 – Sightseeing at Perisher and Thredbo
These are the popular ski fields ni Australia, located about 30 minutes drive from Jindabyne. Honestly, witnessing it with my own eyes for the first time, snow is such magnificent creation of Allah. It is beautiful more that I could have ever imagined. Seeing snow, I was really excited and couldn’t wait to ski!
To tell you the truth, it is very cold here. The maximum temperature is -1°C and the minimum at night can go as low as -7°C. Eventhough its a sunny day, but it is really cold! We had our kebab lunch and hired our ski gear at BP Ski Hire. After comparing with a few places we concluded that they offered the cheapest rate for ski gear and other stuff hire. The whole ski/snowboard pack is from $58 a day. So we got our ski, poles, jacket, pants, boots and toboggan for our day in the snow the following day.
Day 2 – Skiing at Perisher Ski Resort
After having our breakfast at the motel and putting our gears on, it’s time for skiing! We went to Perisher and bought the lift pass. The whole day pass cost about $112.
Okay looking at other people skiing, it looks fun and easy but it is not as easy as you think. Its really hard to walk in the boots and skiing is much harder for beginners like us.
After having our lunch, we decided to take the lift ride and tried skiing downhill slowly and carefully. Yes, I did fall down a lot of times and it really hurt and was painful. But then skiing became so much fun!
Day 3 – Salam Perantau photoshoot
Yes, we had planned to capture our Salam Perantau photos here in the Snowy Mountain, because this is where we can have a nice shot of white, snowy background. My wife had packed our traditional baju melayu & baju melayu exclusively for the shoot. On our way back home, we dropped by Canberra to tour the Australia’s Parliament House, had dinner in Sydney and arrive in Newcastle safely at 1am.
This is my first snowy trip. It is indeed the best trip ever. I did feel that it was too short and should have planned for a longer trip. The thing is, the ski hire is worth it if you hire for more than 3 or 4 days. Even for the lift pass, you can get 5 days for the price of 4.
About the accomodation, the peak season is in July when the school holiday is. You can save more than 50% if you come during off peak season. Plus, if you are a beginner, it’s better to get a lesson from a trainer. It’s the best way to ensure you enjoy skiing than learning it the hard way (like me).
Well, that’s all update for this winter holidays. I’ll be back on more techie and geeky post soon.
Assalamualaikum. Adlan belajar kat Australia kah? Saya serta keluarga nak ke Sydney 11 Nov ini-17nov boleh beri gambaran sikit tentang Sydeny dan tempat perlu pergi
Waalaikumussalam. Saya bekerja di Australia. Sydney ialah sebuah bandar yang besar dan padat. Mempunyai sistem jalan raya dan pengangkutan awam yang efisien. Banyak juga tempat menarik yang boleh saudara lawati.
InsyaAllah saya akan senaraikan tempat-tempat menarik yang boleh dilawati sekitar Sydney dalam blog saya nanti.
Slm..congrat cz bw nma mly ke aussie..insyallah sy pun akn ke sydney dis blh la bg panduan tmpat2 yg mnarik n tempat yg murah unt bli sourvnr nanti….
Salam. Terima kasih. Nanti saya akan compile tempat2 menarik untuk dilawati di Sydney dalam blog saya. Berapa lama bercuti ke mari?
Salam tuan
Terima kasih sharing info mengenai Snowy Mountain
Saya sekeluarga seramai 5 orang akan ke Sydney dari 2/5/2014 – 7/5/2014 .
Dalam perancangan nak ke Snowy Mountain ..boleh tak table kan kos
cabin + sewa peralatan + lift pass . Ada entrance fee lain tak.
Berbanyak terima kasih
Salam. Saya sudah reply melalui email. Sila check dalam folder spam/junk jika tak dapat. Terima kasih.
Salam tuan
Terima kasih sharing info mengenai Snowy Mountain
Saya dan keluarga seramai 6 orang, InsyaAllah akan ke Sydney dari 29/7/2014 – 3/8/2014 .
Kami bercadang untuk ke Snowy Mountain ..kalau drive dari sydney ke sana berapa jam dan boleh ke pergi day trip. Atau adakah public transport seperti bus untuk kesana daripada Sydney. Sekiranya bermalam, berapa kos
cabin + sewa peralatan + lift pass . Ada entrance fee lain tak.
Berbanyak terima kasih
Assalamualaikum, saya ingin pergi ke Sydney pada 21.10.2014 hingga 29.10.2014 seramai 4 orang dewasa dan 1 orang kanak2. saya ingin bertanya berapa bajet yg diperlukan dan dimana tempat yang menarik perlu kami kunjungi…terima kasih
Waalaikumsalam. Saya ada tulis dalam artikel yang berasingan. Saudari boleh baca artikel-artikel berikut.
– Tempat menarik untuk dilawati orang Malaysia
– Melancong ke Sydney ala backpackers
Assalamualaikum brother, wow good idea to have picture baju tradisional yaaa… thump up, copy paste the idea, boleh ya
Waalaikumsalam sister.
Yes, most Malaysian living in overseas will do this kind of thing.
Bisa aja copy paste 😉