My Last Day as IIUM student

Salam. Today I want to share with you guys what happen on my last day as IIUM students. Its been an interesting five years, one year in Matric (now CFS) and another four years in Gombak main campus.

Lots of memories, good and bad, from friendship to relationship, from nobody to somebody, I really enjoy my day life as IIUM student. Most of the the interesting stuff that happen to me, I had blogged about it. It has always been a great life with my KAED friend, especially my studiomates in AAD. I also enjoy joining AKHI Club, because it was my stepping stone in knowing lots of students from other kulliyahs (faculties) and department. There’s nothing to lose if we know lots of people. More people, bigger network and InsyaAllah more bounties (rezeki).

Credit hour system

Enough of the brief introduction, so here’s the main thing. The real thing that happen on my last day as a student is doing the clearance. IIUM has different system compared to other public universities. Once a student has completed all credit hours, mine is 143, he or she can graduate from IIUM. Some students do it in three years (architecture), some 3.5 years (HS and ENMS) but a normal student usually finish it in four years. Basically ‘Clearance’ is a process where students have to make sure he/she has settle any debts, summon and fine.

Clearance ‘Explorace’ game

iium-anr-graduation-clearance-form.jpgMy last day as IIUM student is the first day of Semester 1 Session 2009/2010. There are lots of students in administrative offices but I manage to get my clearance done. I call this clearance thing as my final ‘explorace’ game in IIUM. There are five important checkpoint where I have to get approval before going to the next checkpoint. This is how Clearance form looks like. You can download it here.

The checkpoints are:
1. Legal Unit, Office of the Rector (3rd floor above HS cafe)
2. Finance Division
3. Library
4. Residential College (Mahallah)
5. IIUM Security

But first of all, I have to go to A&R Division to get the ‘explorace’ form. Well, I manage to get to all five checkpoints within one hour. Let me share some tips if you want to settle it quickly. Actually, I’ve went to Finance Division many times because Finance Division is the most complicated division in IIUM. I’ve settle my fees weeks earlier.

Another thing that you should know is that you will have to pay for summon (if any) at each checkpoint. I thought I have settle all of them before, but I forgot that I have book overdue at the library. Finally, I went back to A&R to submit clearance form and apply for my full transcript.

IIUM Convocation 2009

That’s all for now. I’m anticipating for the convocation ceremony soon. Usually, the convocation will be held in the end of August. Since Ramadhan falls on the same month, maybe that’s the reason IIUM will be organizing the convocation from 10th to 12th October 2009. In 2008, the first day is for PhD, Master, Exec. Diploma, ALLHS, KENMS, Nursing and KAED students. If the tentative is same as last year, I guess my convocation will be on 10th October. Too bad because IIUM Convocation website hasn’t been updated yet.

So, before I end this long entry, make sure to mark your calendar on 10th October 2009 to see me wearing convocation robe, Insya-Allah. Don’t forget the roses too! Hehe.

22 thoughts on “My Last Day as IIUM student”

    1. thanx. its not that long dude. before you realize it, its already your final semester! just cherish the moment with more snapshots! love it!

  1. different story for kuantan campus, we cannot do the clearance yet. adoi~ that also means we cannot get the full transcript yet. haiyoh~

    i think this entry is suitable for why if you post it there also?

    i hope the day for my convocation will fall on 11th October. ade la besdey orang tu kan~ tak tahu la sape 😛

    1. haha. I guess I know who’s birthday it is. its gonna be combo celebration then. hehe. hope Kuantan based students can settle the clearance ASAP.

  2. huhuuu..i haven’t start my ‘explorace’ yet! once I’m home, it will be pretty difficult to go out! hahaha…

    anyway, i didn’t see ur comment on my blog earlier.. Here’s Yiruma’s River Flows In You music sheet.. good luck (which I’m surely you can master it in just a go!)

  3. Its better to settle the ‘explorace’ ASAP. I wanna convo with you too! (even on different day) By the way, thanks for the music sheet. Let me do some sight reading first. hehe. Probably gonna youtube it soon (?) hehe

  4. Congrats, you’ve passed with flying colors, just wait for another good news or maybe the kulliyyah has informed you. Not many KAED students are williing to get involved in so many activities at central level from community service to culture not forgetting as as another loyal taaruf committee but you managed to be extra ordinary KAED student.
    We’ll miss you, Adlan. Keep doing voluntary work and help others in need whenever you can.

  5. you’re so nerdy man (nothing wrong with it though haha). and everyone knows the days of which courses have their convocations have been the same for the past who know show many years…. (unless a certain anak sultan is involved – then the whole course will be moved to the first day).

    convo postpone bukan sebab puasa, tapi sebab sultan nak gie bercuti time bulan posa (khaba khaba la nie).


  6. i was searching for clearance guide..since i cudnt find it in d uni website. ur blog happened to be at d top of d list =D 2009..haa. now it’s 2014. no one wrote about iium clearance within dis 5 years? i wonder. nway, ur campus life seemed nice. hoping mine will become good memories too. still got 2 years to go. am doing d clearance for a friend.

  7. Muhammad bin Sifyan

    tanya sikit, im from KAED also. Kebiasaannya, sebelum grad memang kena amik ke Clearance form tu? dan apa fungsi clearance form tu?

    1. Clearance form ni tujuan untuk pastikan kita dah tiada hutang dengan pihak universiti. Kalau ada hutang dgn yuran semester, kena setel dengan finance. ada saman kenderaan, kena dengan legal unit. hutang yuran mahallah, setel dengan mahallah dan seterusnya. Memang itu tujuannya pada tahun 2009 dahulu.

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