Pictures at Karnival Inovasi Islam 2010 in Putrajaya

Salam. Yesterday, I went to Karnival Inovasi Islam 2010 in Masjid Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin in Putrajaya. Here are some of the pictures I’ve taken.

From the Kiblat Walk

This is the starting point of the exhibition booth in Kiblat Walk. Kiblat Walk is a bridge between Kompleks Perbadanan Putrajaya and the mosque.

All participating university exhibits their products on the left side while government bodies are on the right. IIUM booth is the first one!

Government bodies booths are on the right side of Kiblat walk.

Then I came across Kementerian Dalam Negeri booth and I was curious to ask about the non-certified Quran. Apparently after I visit the booth, more people are also interested to check the display.
Among them are Quran with wrong page order, Quran printed on a calendar paper and many more.

These are some apparel that have Allah name as part of the pattern.

This is Almuneer Quran Device. I’ve seen the printed version of this product in IIUM last year. According to the officer, locally it is distributed by Darulfikir. It cost more than RM3400++ [source]

At the Sahn in the mosque

Approaching the mosque, this is the view from the audience canopy. The main stage and the audience is separated by the crystal clear pond.

Moving on, there are exhibitions from private sectors including Tabung Haji, TM Unifi, Islamic banking and finance, NGO and many more.

Anyway, I’m sorry for the low quality of the pictures. I forgot to bring my digital camera. However I regretted that there are some female exhibitors that don’t cover their aurat in the mosque area. I hope the organizer can observe into this matter for the next carnival.

BACA ARTIKEL:   10 Lagu Nasyid Tokoh dalam Sejarah Islam

Well, if you have free time this weekend, don’t forget to bring your friend and family to this event. Thanks for watching!

4 thoughts on “Pictures at Karnival Inovasi Islam 2010 in Putrajaya”

  1. salam adlan..
    tak kesampaian aku ak kesana
    kebetulan berada di JB
    jika ada buat lg sila signal aku boleh?

    kadang2 terlepas pandang.. =)

  2. Salam.. baru perasaan blog ni lepas search pasal ‘Karnival Inovasi Islam 2010,Putrajaya’. Saya ada menyertai salah 1 booth di karnival berkenaan , selama 3 hari rasanya. Menyedihkan & Membosankan kerana kurang publisiti oleh pihak penganjur. Even orang ramai di sekitar Putrajaya pun ramai yang tak tahu. Soo poor.. Keadaan ok ckit bila kaum Adam selesai menunaikan solat jumaat & membanjiri kiblat walk pd hari itu. Rasa mcm “ was a miracle” buat seketika. Even, preparation dari pihak kontraktor & urus setia pun kurang memuaskan terutama bab pendaftaran peserta, everything mess!. Bagi kami yang datang dari jauh untuk join karnival ni, amat2 mengecewakan except for the nice & gorgeous 4days 3nights in JW MArriot hotel.. (nasib baik universiti bayar) =) Harap2 lepas ni pihak penganjur akan buat survey dulu sebelum buat event2 macam ni.. rugi je rase..

    1. Salam Najwa,

      Terima kasih atas perkongsian saudari mengenai program tersebut. Saya bersetuju dengan pendapat saudari. Mungkin selain dari publisiti, penganjur juga patut memilih tempat / kawasan yang lebih sesuai untuk menarik pengunjung.

      Mungkin kalau buat di KL yang ada banyak kemudahan pengangkutan awam, lagi ramai yang boleh datang. Semoga penganjur dapat mengambil pengajaran daripada event tersebut.

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