Proton MPV at MRR2

Finally, my own version of Proton MPV spyshot as seen at MRR2 highway on 25th November 2008.

I was on my way back from UIA to my home. There was a police road block just after the Karak toll. I hate road block when I to rush for my errand.

Suddenly I saw a strange looking vehicle with black stickers everywhere on its body between the traffic. I realized that it was a Proton MPV. At that time, I was replying SMS so I don’t have the opportunity to take the picture.

Since my car is crawling to get through the road block, I never thought that I can get the chance to take the picture of it. After taking an exit to the left, I just want to rush back home and suddenly I’ve met again with the MPV.

I drive carefully while tailgating the MPV on the middle lane. I place my handphone on the steering wheel and try to get the best shot while driving. I know that its quite dangerous but I really wanted to take the picture. I tried to get closer but I’m do have to keep a safe distance.

After few rear shots, I think I should give up taking the pictures. I’m going to Melawati and I switched into the left lane. That’s how I finally manage to get this shot. Actually they saw me tailgating them with my cellphone on the steering. That’s why they slowed down the car.

Well, its not a big deal because most people can easily check Paultans’ blog to see the artist impression of the MPV. But I will always remember that day because it was my first time taking my own spyshot!
Since its been a long time since I do car rendering, let me showcase some quick and dirty rendering of the Proton MPV. The side view is taken from the UK patent. I hope I can improve my rendering technique during this break.

I wonder, is it possible if during the testing, they ran out of gas and they will have to refuel at a petrol station. Then its easier for people to take a picture of it right? Or on another scenario, if the driver suddenly having a stomachache, then he’ll have to go to a public toilet. What do you think?

78 thoughts on “Proton MPV at MRR2”

  1. “If the driver suddenly having a stomachache, then he’ll have to go to a public toilet,what do u think?”

    hahaha.. sound funny but it’s not impossible to happen rite? i dunno what to think..

    tak mustahil akan ramai org yg berpeluang amik gambar dan kebetulan diorang pn blogger jugak. mesti la tetiap blog akan ade gmbr mpv ni..

    1. tapi ada posible jugak kalau diorg takleh berhentikan keter langsung. kena terus je drive.. taktau la plak camne proses test drive tu kan..

  2. “If the driver suddenly having a stomachache, then he’ll have to go to a public toilet,what do u think?”

    hahaha.. sound funny but it’s not impossible to happen rite? i dunno what to think..

    tak mustahil akan ramai org yg berpeluang amik gambar dan kebetulan diorang pn blogger jugak. mesti la tetiap blog akan ade gmbr mpv ni..

    1. tapi ada posible jugak kalau diorg takleh berhentikan keter langsung. kena terus je drive.. taktau la plak camne proses test drive tu kan..

    1. thanks. itu ilustration memang la cantik. boleh kaler sesuka hati. gambar kualiti henfon memang buruk sket..

      nanti nak try lukis part depan plak..

    1. thanks. itu ilustration memang la cantik. boleh kaler sesuka hati. gambar kualiti henfon memang buruk sket..

      nanti nak try lukis part depan plak..

    1. haha. ni mesti kes prank cuci keter tu kan.

      aku plak skrg da jatuh hati dgn semua design2 proton. dari persona,neo,savy,saga.. cuma MPV je blum ada feeling lagi.

    1. haha. ni mesti kes prank cuci keter tu kan.

      aku plak skrg da jatuh hati dgn semua design2 proton. dari persona,neo,savy,saga.. cuma MPV je blum ada feeling lagi.

    1. wa. abang ko engineer proton yek.. nice2. kalo dia bahagian testing, memang ada peluang la nak drive kan. die ada blog tak? hehe nk korek2

    1. wa. abang ko engineer proton yek.. nice2. kalo dia bahagian testing, memang ada peluang la nak drive kan. die ada blog tak? hehe nk korek2

  3. wahh…macam baca karangan budak sekolah pun ada, i mean, so detail cara adlan bercerita. kite yang baca ni pun nervous je, rasa kita yg bawak kete…huhu.. 🙂

    inna latest post:

    1. erkh.. mcm bdak sekolah? T_T sedey plak sebab sy da blaja kat universiti..hehe

      kalo tak tulis cerita ni, nanti entri ni jadi mcm sgt pendek plak. bosan. hee.

  4. wahh…macam baca karangan budak sekolah pun ada, i mean, so detail cara adlan bercerita. kite yang baca ni pun nervous je, rasa kita yg bawak kete…huhu.. 🙂

    inna latest post:

    1. erkh.. mcm bdak sekolah? T_T sedey plak sebab sy da blaja kat universiti..hehe

      kalo tak tulis cerita ni, nanti entri ni jadi mcm sgt pendek plak. bosan. hee.

  5. Pingback: Spyshot: Proton MVP 2009 | Extremist Thinker

  6. salam…spa 2 medical taw..bukan yang spa Q siap ade facial xde facial2…lagipun baru lagi..dalam setahun…nak pegi ke? kalau nak..u can call my member tu on ur own..dekat je dengan uia lagipun…1st try murah rm5…hehe…

    adledash latest post: ^*^saMbuNgan SPA^*^

  7. salam…spa 2 medical taw..bukan yang spa Q siap ade facial xde facial2…lagipun baru lagi..dalam setahun…nak pegi ke? kalau nak..u can call my member tu on ur own..dekat je dengan uia lagipun…1st try murah rm5…hehe…

    adledash latest post: ^*^saMbuNgan SPA^*^

    1. ayer keroh melaka eh.. jauh plak.. da lama tak pegi sana..

      maybe yg kat MRR2 ni die pegi sampai ke Kuantan kot untuk long distance jugak

  8. Proton ader plan nak keluar Kereta Sport. Pastu..nak keluar model macam Toyota Harrier. ader Model macam Toyota Wish pun ader. Proton Sudah Maju !!!

  9. Proton ader plan nak keluar Kereta Sport. Pastu..nak keluar model macam Toyota Harrier. ader Model macam Toyota Wish pun ader. Proton Sudah Maju !!!

    1. yang gambar2 tu semua sumber inspirasi utk proton MPV ni. tu semua untuk rujukan dan perbandingan la jugak.. thanks for the pictures too!

  10. oo.. ye ker. diorang buat macam-macam pattern model dulu. then.. diorang pilih design model yang terbaik punyer. yang selebihnyer diorang jadikan sebagai rujukan & perbandingan. kalau kereta concept, aper maksudnye?

    1. kereta konsep ni lebih kepada kereta yang design agak canggih2 utk pasaran 5 – 10 tahun ke hdpn. takpun kalo sambutan bagus sewaktu pameran kereta, setahun dua terus die keluarkan utk dijual..

  11. oo.. ye ker. diorang buat macam-macam pattern model dulu. then.. diorang pilih design model yang terbaik punyer. yang selebihnyer diorang jadikan sebagai rujukan & perbandingan. kalau kereta concept, aper maksudnye?

    1. kereta konsep ni lebih kepada kereta yang design agak canggih2 utk pasaran 5 – 10 tahun ke hdpn. takpun kalo sambutan bagus sewaktu pameran kereta, setahun dua terus die keluarkan utk dijual..

  12. I think the actual proton MPV photos was leaked sometime ago, although it is just the replica.

    But proton might change some part/design to make it better along the way till the release next year

  13. I think the actual proton MPV photos was leaked sometime ago, although it is just the replica.

    But proton might change some part/design to make it better along the way till the release next year

  14. Pingback: Proton Exora Styling Design |

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