Seven times in Ta’aruf Week

Salam to all my friends and readers. Finally, I managed to join Taaruf Week for seven times which is my real last time. Its my graduation Taaruf anyway because I’ve just got graduated from IIUM after five colourful years. I love to get myself busy. The Taaruf Week as always is organised by S-DEV from 5th – 8th May 2009. So, what’s hot during Taaruf this time?

Should I join or not?

At first, I don’t think I should join because I have my final presentation on the same day they went for Induction Course in Malacca. However, after my final presentation is over, Anwar offered me to join as multimedia committee. But then, Inani, Program Manager, requested me to become catering committee. So, its a last minute decision. Well, I don’t mind being in any bureau because I’ve wanted to join Taaruf badly this time.

Being Assistant Head Committee of Catering Bureau

It such a big leap for me because I used to be multimedia committee for five times. This time, I’m a catering guy. Six times with Taaruf made me understand a bit about Catering but its not the same when I ‘m in this bureau.

Kite Flying activity at Metropolitan Park in Kepong

Since there are three of the Catering committees have not attended Induction Course in Malacca, we have agreed to spend the Sunday evening for a kite flying activity. The main objective is as a riadhah as well as group binding among us. Yeah, its been a while since the last time I flew a kite. The best time to play is between 4pm to 5.30pm.

Catering is not that easy

I always thought that doing catering job is easy. Yes, its easy but its tiring. Pouring drinks into paper cup is easy but doing it for 300 cups is not a fun thing to do. Moreover when you have to put the cup lids and straw into the cup.
Most of the time during Taaruf, I’ll take care of the brothers section. With the veto power I have as AHC Catering, I’ve asked for a switch between brother and sister, so that we can serve the sisters too. All this while, the sister committee will serve the sister students and vice versa. At least I can understand the different between brothers and sisters when choosing their meals. OK, honestly its not a flirting attempt. Why some of my female committees think we want to ‘menggatal’ even though we just serving meals?

Food allergies

This is one of the exciting stories. Some of the students are having allergies with meat and fish. To solve this problem, we provide chicken for the four days program. But there are some oversea students who cannot eat local foods and they prefer eating breads. Finally, I wonder why there’s one guy who’s allergic to cold iced water. I guess he’s having asthma and that’s why he doesn’t drink cold water.

Macaroni issue during Cultural Performance

This is really annoying issue. The students talk bad about the macaroni which is provided on the second day. Well, what can I say? Its not my fault for ordering the macaroni. Its the caterers’ fault because they are the one who cook them. OK I admit its my fault because we don’t have any food test. I guess, macaroni should be banned from the menu for the next Taaruf.

In conclusion, I can say that it is such a sweet memories to spend ten days with all the Taaruf Week committees. I think I want to write another entry to recap all the last seven Taaruf that I had joined since 2006. Need to dig through the picture folders first.

I’d like to end my entry with a KYKM video of Catering committee. I’ve uploaded it into Youtube two weeks ago.

40 thoughts on “Seven times in Ta’aruf Week”

  1. it’s good for you to be able to join being a committee for the taaruf week. as for me, i never had a chance because most of the time, i’ll get other things clahsed with the schedule. haih.. sekarang dah grad dah pun. never had a chance except during matric time.

    Szakif latest post: The Unexpected Kelantan

  2. it’s good for you to be able to join being a committee for the taaruf week. as for me, i never had a chance because most of the time, i’ll get other things clahsed with the schedule. haih.. sekarang dah grad dah pun. never had a chance except during matric time.

    Szakif latest post: The Unexpected Kelantan

    1. yep. program ni juga macam minggu haluan siswa di UTM dan universiti2 lain. yang ni awal sebab students ambil short semester. itulah sebabnya.

    1. yep. program ni juga macam minggu haluan siswa di UTM dan universiti2 lain. yang ni awal sebab students ambil short semester. itulah sebabnya.

  3. ooh..not a flirting attempt eh?
    ok wat2 pecaya.hik3.
    hm..macaroni tu x best eh? sian bdk2 taaruf mesti fobia kt macaroni plak.hehe..patut korg kne masak sniri baru bes.

    em so congrats on your final taaruf (finally).
    hehe.n slmt mencari pekerjaan utk masa dpn plak ye.

  4. ooh..not a flirting attempt eh?
    ok wat2 pecaya.hik3.
    hm..macaroni tu x best eh? sian bdk2 taaruf mesti fobia kt macaroni plak.hehe..patut korg kne masak sniri baru bes.

    em so congrats on your final taaruf (finally).
    hehe.n slmt mencari pekerjaan utk masa dpn plak ye.

    1. yep. my last time. pasni leh jumpa time konvo. hehe.. kalau disember intake, bleh try minta kt fakhrul. die head com

  5. Pingback: Ta’aruf Programme: We Wont Know Unless We Was In Their Shoes Saffawati’s Blog

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