Salam. Its been awhile since I don’t update my blog. I’m really sorry. I was very busy with all the course work. Since everything is over, let me warm up with my blog writing. I’ll start with this tag first. Thanks to Baiti for tagging me. I thought I’ll stop doing this thing on my blog. Enjoy!
Table of Contents / Kandungan
List these rules on your blog
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
* Tell 7 unspectacular quirks of yours.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
* Link the person who tagged you.
* Leave a comment for each blogger.
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog
I’m officially graduated from IIUM
I enjoy playing piano during my leisure time.
I’ve joined Taaruf Week as committee for seven times.
I’ve scored Dean’s List for at least five semesters to date. (Am I a geek?)
I try to be nice to everyone. But not every likes me.
I’ve grew a goatee since August 2008 till May 2009.
I cannot live without computer and internet.
Tell 7 unspectacular quirks of yours
I’m having difficulty to wake up in the morning.
I think I eat a lot. But I don’t get fat.
I don’t wear branded item. Except for my spectacles.
My studio mates hate my wake up alarm tone.
I always get myself injured when doing task in workshop.
When I’m stress, I’ll scream, throwing stuff or kick the door.
I like to say “Too bad” if anything bad happens to me or my friend.
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs
– Alone – the next coolest urban designer
– MiraZizan – female medical student in Jakarta
– Hidayah Angah – best History tutor in IIUM
– OmarKhayyam – designer cum stylo photographer
– Zelo55 – hot and controversial IIUM blogger
– Chazzie Fairuz – get your free graphic designs here
– Kak Nana – an active fangirl who loves Hindustan songs too
Link the person who tagged you
I really enjoy doing tags. Without you realising it, its an easiest way to get backlinks. Its one of the SEO techniques anyway. But who cares?
huha~ been tagged again by adlan!!! wait ha…will do it when i finished all requests.. =.=
yeah. sure do. Its been a while since I’ve tagged you! do your job first k.
huha~ been tagged again by adlan!!! wait ha…will do it when i finished all requests.. =.=
yeah. sure do. Its been a while since I’ve tagged you! do your job first k.
DL every sem
alhamdulillah 😉
DL every sem
alhamdulillah 😉
so the thing is…
why am i tagged as…”the hot and controversional” one?
kontroversi sangat kah aku ni?
zelo55 latest post: Download Lagu Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (AF7). Hafiz. Aril. Akim.
ala. ko nye blog memang hangat nye. mesti ramai orang akan singgah kat blog ko kalo aku tulis camtu 😛
ye tak ye gak kan…
le naik mencanak blog aku…
tp lg best klau letak…
“the most sexy and hot and nude blogger”
zelo55 latest post: Download Lagu Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (AF7). Hafiz. Aril. Akim.
so the thing is…
why am i tagged as…”the hot and controversional” one?
kontroversi sangat kah aku ni?
zelo55 latest post: Download Lagu Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (AF7). Hafiz. Aril. Akim.
ala. ko nye blog memang hangat nye. mesti ramai orang akan singgah kat blog ko kalo aku tulis camtu 😛
ye tak ye gak kan…
le naik mencanak blog aku…
tp lg best klau letak…
“the most sexy and hot and nude blogger”
zelo55 latest post: Download Lagu Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (AF7). Hafiz. Aril. Akim.
having difficulty to wake up in the morning..isy3..adlan, better do sumtg abt it.hehe
alhamdulillah 4 being a geek, getting DL every sem.
may Allah give u success more n more in d future ye.amin.
okey myss. I also hope that I can do something about it. thanx!!
having difficulty to wake up in the morning..isy3..adlan, better do sumtg abt it.hehe
alhamdulillah 4 being a geek, getting DL every sem.
may Allah give u success more n more in d future ye.amin.
okey myss. I also hope that I can do something about it. thanx!!
Same lor… I eat a lot, but never get fat. Congrats for your graduation!
maybe because of the high metabolisme in our bodies.. btw thanx Jai!!
Same lor… I eat a lot, but never get fat. Congrats for your graduation!
maybe because of the high metabolisme in our bodies.. btw thanx Jai!!
thanks. I’d answered it. hehe =)
alone latest post: The Seven Tag
good.. its time for your to tag me next time!
thanks. I’d answered it. hehe =)
alone latest post: The Seven Tag
good.. its time for your to tag me next time!
piano..owh bestnyer klu kaye.
eh terernyer adlan dean’s list byk kali. nk tulis keep it up td, tp da grad nk bwtpe nye dean’s list lagi kn.
eh bwtpe skg nie, duk goyg kaki kat umah ke..
d Third Child latest post: Cats are horrible!
piano..owh bestnyer klu kaye.
eh terernyer adlan dean’s list byk kali. nk tulis keep it up td, tp da grad nk bwtpe nye dean’s list lagi kn.
eh bwtpe skg nie, duk goyg kaki kat umah ke..
d Third Child latest post: Cats are horrible!
baiti da x gune la link blog fs 2~
oh yeke? tak tau plak.. padan la lama tak update. da ari tu baiti tulis tag kt blog tu kan..
baiti da x gune la link blog fs 2~
oh yeke? tak tau plak.. padan la lama tak update. da ari tu baiti tulis tag kt blog tu kan..
yaa~ mana anda taw akk ske bollywood neyh hahahhahaah
yaa~ mana anda taw akk ske bollywood neyh hahahhahaah
oh, nape akk tatau akk telah ditag, ke akk luper? ke akk x pasan. omona~ ne, alan….akk wat lps nek cuti ek, ek……huhu…..gomen neh~ x pasan huhuhu
oh, nape akk tatau akk telah ditag, ke akk luper? ke akk x pasan. omona~ ne, alan….akk wat lps nek cuti ek, ek……huhu…..gomen neh~ x pasan huhuhu