Optimus Prime & Bumble Bee Transformers Robot Design

Salam. Since I’m studying in industrial design, I like the idea of transformers, which make a robot out of products, or vice versa, a product out of robot. In this entry, let me share few cool resource for Transformers robot design and behind the scene stuff.

Designing the Robot

Alex Jaeger was the Transformers Visual Effects Art Director. He studied in automotive design in Detroit. Basically, he produced lot of sketches to design the Transformers robots. The picture below illustrate the transformation of Bumblebee in manual sketch. (Source)

Transforming the Robot

Ben Procter is the Lead Robot Illustrator for Transformers. In this video, it shows how he transform the Optimus Prime from the Peterbilt 379 truck. You can watch this and more from Youtube or just watch the entire collection of his fine rendering in his Portfolio.

Rendering the Transformers in 3Ds Max

For the Transformers game, the model is created in Maya and it was rendered using Vray Renderer in 3Ds Max. Sounds familiar isn’t it? But rendering them is a tough job. Read more about it here.

This movie really inspires me despite all those nasty poor review. I hope I can get a hang of Transformers by playing the games. I really has fall in love with Transformers. How about you?

P/S – Just realized that everything was a 3D render. Nothing real about Transformers.

18 thoughts on “Optimus Prime & Bumble Bee Transformers Robot Design”

  1. wah..mcm sedih je bunyik..’nothing real about transformers, everytg is just 3D render’ hehe..(ketawa guling2 jap)

    ooh da fall in love with transformers game plak..kre cuti tiap ari men game jela eh? bes nye kamu..

    adlan..cepat la design robot plak..ko kan ske?

    1. okey2. nanti aku akan buat robot daripada kereta2 nasional malaysia. mesti best kan? hehe.. tunggu lg 10 tahun kot kalo nak jadi..
      takdela main game je. penat gak kalo main tiap ari..

  2. wah..mcm sedih je bunyik..’nothing real about transformers, everytg is just 3D render’ hehe..(ketawa guling2 jap)

    ooh da fall in love with transformers game plak..kre cuti tiap ari men game jela eh? bes nye kamu..

    adlan..cepat la design robot plak..ko kan ske?

    1. okey2. nanti aku akan buat robot daripada kereta2 nasional malaysia. mesti best kan? hehe.. tunggu lg 10 tahun kot kalo nak jadi..
      takdela main game je. penat gak kalo main tiap ari..

  3. dah main ker gamenyer? mainlah.agak susah nak control.rasa berat.agka mencabar jugak. rate graphic 9/10. gameplay 7/10. audio 8/10

    1. hm.. baru plan nak try game dia nanti. tapi review ckp mcm tak best je. takpe. try jugak la! thanks for the review omar!

  4. dah main ker gamenyer? mainlah.agak susah nak control.rasa berat.agka mencabar jugak. rate graphic 9/10. gameplay 7/10. audio 8/10

    1. hm.. baru plan nak try game dia nanti. tapi review ckp mcm tak best je. takpe. try jugak la! thanks for the review omar!

  5. Game transformers xde la best sgt. tapi graphic mantap la.

    I’m wondering, klau macam terminator, they have terminator replicas to aid in the process of movie making. Kalau mcam tranformers mmg xde langsung ke?

    Ko kan terer graphic. Sementara ko dapat buat robot drp kereta2 nasional, ko buat la graphic design dia dulu. something like “Proton Waja transformation designed by Adlan.” Huhu… jgn lupe post dlm blog ko bile ko dh berjaya transformkan kete2 nasional tu ye. huhu…

    1. Haha. Zaman Terminator 1 memang ada replica, n shooting frame by frame gerak secara manual. Terminator 2 da stat guna photoshop, frame by frame jugak. Terminator 3 dan Salvation guna 3D. Tapi nak wat model / replica saiz manusia tak susah pun.

      Transformers sume robot gergasi, mahal la kot nak buat replica = kos besar!

      OK. Memang aku ada plan nak try wat 3D robot dari kereta Malaysia siap animation skali. tapi tunggu la aku da terer 3D sume. hehe. For the mean time, tengok la gambar2 kat blog ni -> http://pelik-misteri.blogspot.com/2008/08/kereta-malaysia-jadi-transformers.html

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