Valentine Day: Love Everyone Everyday

The month of February will always be associated with the Valentine’s Day. After learning the truth about the history of the V-Day, I don’t care less about the celebration anymore.

What happen this year?
Well, V-Day is nothing for me. I have to prepare for my presentation for the interim crit on Monday 16th. So, I do nothing on 14th. No special dating or outing. Me and some of my studiomates working in the studio, preparing sketches and mockups. But then, I really appreciate how she supported me during my tough times. Thanks myss.

V-Day’s Forum: Whose Agenda?
Credits to Trini to inform me about the forum. The last time I’ve went to such a lovey-dovey forum was in Matric IIUM. Its good to get refreshed with all sorts of reminders such as V-Day’s history and relationship issues.

The True and Divine Love
When you want to show your love to someone, you will try to please or impress him/her. According to the stages, the first and divine love is toward our Creator and our Lord, Allah s.w.t. To show how deep our love is, we shall become a good believer and a good servant.

By being a good believer, one shall do stuff that He likes and avoid doing things that He hates. I guess, this is the concept of amar ma’ruf nahi munkar which is to enjoin goodness and forbid evil.

The next one will be our love towards our Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. followed by loving our family and finally our special ones.

Wow. Suddenly this entry sounds so religious. Well, Islam does promote love and brotherhood among mankind, not just for Muslim.

BACA ARTIKEL:   10 Lagu Nasyid Tokoh dalam Sejarah Islam

Suggested reading
I just couldn’t stop my hand from writing stuff about love and relationship from Islamic perspective. There are lots of expert bloggers whose really specialize in their field. For marriage and teenage development issue, I can say that Ustaz Hasrizal a.k.a. is the closest example.

But if you need tips about relationship, boyfriend and girlfriend thingy, I enjoy reading I’m taking this opportunity to introduce Mr. Aidil from TipsGoda as my guest writer. He will be contributing articles about relationship in my blog.

Till then, I’m wishing all my readers all the best for your quest to seek your soulmate. Don’t waste your time with dating and vices. Let’s aim for getting married and produce better Muslim generation.

42 thoughts on “Valentine Day: Love Everyone Everyday”

  1. i had never bothered about valentine’s day even before i knew the history of it. like, what morons chooses a day in that whole year, to celebrate love? the concept itself is incomprehensibly stupid! makes the celebrators kings and queens of shitheads. like seriously. adeh.

    well. been a while since i last came around. you’ll be having a guest writer now. hoho. how cool is that? good luck yeah?

    1. wow.. you sounds so mean.. it is us who should promote the boycott of the v-day stuff. glad that we are busy with studio. otherwise, we may end up celebrating it.. haha..
      yeah. someone had approached me to be a guest writer. maybe you also can be one. hehe.. thanx!

  2. i had never bothered about valentine’s day even before i knew the history of it. like, what morons chooses a day in that whole year, to celebrate love? the concept itself is incomprehensibly stupid! makes the celebrators kings and queens of shitheads. like seriously. adeh.

    well. been a while since i last came around. you’ll be having a guest writer now. hoho. how cool is that? good luck yeah?

    1. wow.. you sounds so mean.. it is us who should promote the boycott of the v-day stuff. glad that we are busy with studio. otherwise, we may end up celebrating it.. haha..
      yeah. someone had approached me to be a guest writer. maybe you also can be one. hehe.. thanx!

    1. agree…tige3 best.. i did saw adlan kua awl jgk mlm tue, haha! (lemme answer ur ps for him- because he has to catch for the rapid to go home, otherwise he has to squate in ur room), n yup2 last part tue best!

      d Third Child latest post: Akibat riya’

    1. agree…tige3 best.. i did saw adlan kua awl jgk mlm tue, haha! (lemme answer ur ps for him- because he has to catch for the rapid to go home, otherwise he has to squate in ur room), n yup2 last part tue best!

      d Third Child latest post: Akibat riya’

  3. I’ve never celebrated Valentine’s Day (as in go out and hang out) and ever since I knew the history behind it, I never dare to even give some kind of presents to my loved ones. Dulu2, ada juga mcm bagi bunga kat kwn2.Now, dah tak buat lah. 😀

    Mira latest post: A goodbye from me for real.

    1. Alhamdulillah. well, its just a thing in the past during our ignorance period. people change and become better.

      Tapi I prefer giving surprise present anytime. baru la best! hehe

      p/s – why not include your new blog URL?

  4. I’ve never celebrated Valentine’s Day (as in go out and hang out) and ever since I knew the history behind it, I never dare to even give some kind of presents to my loved ones. Dulu2, ada juga mcm bagi bunga kat kwn2.Now, dah tak buat lah. 😀

    Mira latest post: A goodbye from me for real.

    1. Alhamdulillah. well, its just a thing in the past during our ignorance period. people change and become better.

      Tapi I prefer giving surprise present anytime. baru la best! hehe

      p/s – why not include your new blog URL?

  5. “But then, I really appreciate how she supported me during my tough times. Thanks myss.”

    “Till then, I’m wishing all my readers all the best for your quest to seek your soulmate. Don’t waste your time with dating and vices. Let’s aim for getting married and produce better Muslim generation.”

    …its so hard isnt it. loving someone and yet, fighting against nafs to see him/her daily… coz marriage sounds so much of a big commitment, people need time.

    do we?

    nabilahani latest post: the supernatural

    1. yes. I agreed with you. marriage is absolutely a big commitment in one’s life.

      i believe anyone of us will need time to prepare physically, mentally, emotionally and absolutely financially.. but the most important is the preparing ourselves spiritually..

      er.. sounds like a rhyme..

  6. “But then, I really appreciate how she supported me during my tough times. Thanks myss.”

    “Till then, I’m wishing all my readers all the best for your quest to seek your soulmate. Don’t waste your time with dating and vices. Let’s aim for getting married and produce better Muslim generation.”

    …its so hard isnt it. loving someone and yet, fighting against nafs to see him/her daily… coz marriage sounds so much of a big commitment, people need time.

    do we?

    nabilahani latest post: the supernatural

    1. yes. I agreed with you. marriage is absolutely a big commitment in one’s life.

      i believe anyone of us will need time to prepare physically, mentally, emotionally and absolutely financially.. but the most important is the preparing ourselves spiritually..

      er.. sounds like a rhyme..

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