Welcome Ramadhan, Ahlan Wasahlan.
Ramadhan is back and thank God we are given another chance to meet with it again. I am really sorry to all my readers and followers, for having a long hiatus.
In this blessed month of Ramadhan, I just want to share some of my experience in doing Tilawah and how to finish the whole Quran in this month.
There are some theory and tips. Let’s go one by one.
Table of Contents / Kandungan
1 juz’ a day for 30 days
This is the most popular tips we have heard about. The Quran has 30 juz’ and Ramadhan has 30 days. 1 juz’ has 20 pages. The Quran has 604 pages.
The ideal plan is to recite Quran before and/or after you perform your prayer. 5 times daily x 4 pages = 20 pages.
Oh but, for the past few years, have you noticed that Ramadhan only has 29 days?
Now the plan need some changes. For 1 juz’ a day for 29 days, you can achieve finishing the Quran but there are other things that might come across towards the end of Ramadhan.
Challenges at work
If you are working, (not studying), there are gonna be bumps and challenges to read the whole Quran. Well I know these are just my excuses why I can’t recite during work or the ‘lunch’ break.
Plus sometimes, the workload is quite heavy during this month. Then going back home or to the mosque, I don’t see any chances to recite.
Challenges towards Eid celebration
Then the things worsen towards Eid because in Malaysia, people are tempted to go for shopping and the tradition of ‘balik kampong’. Even if I don’t go back to my hometown for the last few Eids, I still have to do preparation, spring cleaning and stuff at home.
Menses (for women)
As far as I’m concerned, normally most women has 7 days of period in a month. It’s gonna be a bit of a challenge for a women to finish the Quran if she can’t read during those days. I guess if we have 29 days – 7 days, most women have to recite in 22 days only!
Well, these are some of the challenges or ‘excuses’ if I can say so. Honestly, I didn’t get to finish the Quran for the past few Ramadhans and I regretted it.
After thinking for a best practice or a solution, I come up with an idea.
The idea is by the end of the day, before the iftar, I already recited the juz’. The best thing is when you perform tarawih at mosque, the imam will recite the verses you’ve just read earlier.
Guys have to finish the Quran in 29 days. Plus extra 3 days for contingency, in case for Eid preparation or ‘balik kampong’. So guys only have 26 days. I guess we are pretty lucky, we can recite 23 pages a day.
Ladies, on the other hand, I’m suggesting 29 days – 7 days + 3 days contingency = 19 days. So its gonna be tough for females, you have to recite 31 pages a day, if you wish to finish the Quran on time.
Regardless on how many days you plan to finish the Quran, always try to recite whenever you have the chance.
As for me, this Ramadhan, I’ll try to recite 24 pages a day.
10 pages during Fajr, 8 pages during Zuhr and 6 pages during Asr.
P/S – it’s funny looking back at the time when I’m opposing of rapid tilawah against tadabbur.
salam ramadhan bro!
salam ramadhan utk org pakistan juga!
salam, saya tahun lepas target nak habiskan dalam ramadhan tapi tak sempat. Harap tahun ni dapat la, insya-Allah
Salam. Samalah saya pun. Harap tahun ni pun sempat la insyaAllah.
Thanks a lot for the infromation. It’s specific and to the point!
Found your website from google. I want to this daily, not just in Ramadan and your information here really helped A LOT.
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