Salam Ramadhan Kareem to all beloved readers. It’s already 17th day of Ramadhan and I hope all of you are steadfast and consistent in performing ibadah such as tarawih, tadarus and zikr. Today, I’d like to highlight few reasons why jemaah don’t stand close to each other especially during tarawih prayers.
Distance Relationship Among People
I’ve learned about this during my Space Planning & Ergonomics class. According to Time Saver Standards for Interior Design and Space Planning, by Joseph De Chiara, Julies Panero & Martin Zelnik, most people has their own distance relationship. Take a look at the diagram below, it shows how relationship is related with the distance. Closer distance means more intimate relationship.
This is the reason why some people are not comfortable if a stranger is standing very close to us. Although this theory is applicable for interior design and space planning, as a Muslim, we are encouraged to stand close to each other. Every Muslim is brothers and sisters. Let’s break the barrier among us.
Other factors
Among other factors which create gaps between jemaah are personal items on the floor, body odour and fans. If one places his/her handphone or laptop on the floor while praying, he/she will hardly move to close the gap.
There’s quite few times in IIUM mosque, I can hardly stand the smell of some international students. Even Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) encourage Muslim to take bath, brush your teeth and apply perfume for prayers.
Lastly, it is quite hot at night in Malaysia. Some jemaah prefer to pray close to the ceiling fan so that they won’t sweat. Its hard for them to move and close the gap too.
In conclusion, I’d like to remind myself and all of you to make sure we always straighten our saf and close the gap. It is very crucial because it shows our unity as Muslim and unity means strength.
Additional reading about importance of straight saf
- Saf sembahyang jemaah rapat, lurus bukti mencintai Rasulullah
- Dua sebab kenapa umat Islam mundur
- Saf Solat – Rapat dan Luruskan
Till then, let us make the most of the last ten days of Ramadhan. May Allah bless you.
ketawa jap tgk diagram cumil drp time saver standard tu..oh tu kre teori ko la nape org x rapatkan saf ketika berjemaah? hehe..aku rase sbb diorg x blaja kat sekolah x ramai yg tau kepentingan merapatkan saf..sedangkan Rasulullah sendiri pun pastikan saf sentiasa rapat b4 start solat, kte org biasa, ummatnya patut melaksanakan sunnahnya kan
ketawa jap tgk diagram cumil drp time saver standard tu..oh tu kre teori ko la nape org x rapatkan saf ketika berjemaah? hehe..aku rase sbb diorg x blaja kat sekolah x ramai yg tau kepentingan merapatkan saf..sedangkan Rasulullah sendiri pun pastikan saf sentiasa rapat b4 start solat, kte org biasa, ummatnya patut melaksanakan sunnahnya kan
good tots alan…. angah selalu cakap2 dlm hati… kdg2 dalam solat klu ternampak saf tu jarak sgt… (padahal msih dlm solat) mule la tak khusyuk n wondering nape diorang ni tak rapatkan saaf… ~sigh~ tu sebab kdg2 wat solat sendiri je la… tkut klu solat jemaah kite tak khusyuk… dan ntah2 wat dosa mse solat… astahgfirullah..
tpi… segala2nya pun mule dgn diri sendiri.. kita lah yg harus tunjukkn contoh… moga stu hari niat kita nak stu padukan ummah… akan terlaksana…. insy’allah..
good tots alan…. angah selalu cakap2 dlm hati… kdg2 dalam solat klu ternampak saf tu jarak sgt… (padahal msih dlm solat) mule la tak khusyuk n wondering nape diorang ni tak rapatkan saaf… ~sigh~ tu sebab kdg2 wat solat sendiri je la… tkut klu solat jemaah kite tak khusyuk… dan ntah2 wat dosa mse solat… astahgfirullah..
tpi… segala2nya pun mule dgn diri sendiri.. kita lah yg harus tunjukkn contoh… moga stu hari niat kita nak stu padukan ummah… akan terlaksana…. insy’allah..
teori tu… hehe mnarik2
teori tu… hehe mnarik2
good article thou 🙂
Just sharing from different perspective as designer. 😛
good article thou 🙂
Just sharing from different perspective as designer. 😛
salam.i would like to know where did you buy the time saver?
i've searched for it and the only method to buy is online whilst i prefer to buy books from the store.
so if you could help and name me the place,i would really appreciate it.
thanks 🙂
Salam. Hm, I'm sorry I don't know where you can get it. But last time, my friend brought the photostat version of the book.
In this post I only get it from Google Books. Maybe you can get it in major book stores in KL.
If you’re looking for a laptop stand, you may have come across the Ergonomic brand and there’s a reason for it. From what I’ve seen online, I have noticed that these are some of the best stands online. They have great reviews and they tend to be a great value for your money.
If you’re looking for a laptop stand, you may have come across the Ergonomic brand and there’s a reason for it. From what I’ve seen online, I have noticed that these are some of the best stands online. They have great reviews and they tend to be a great value for your money.