Salam. This is my second infographic since the wedding infographic that had gone viral a couple years ago.
This infographic is mainly about the ibadah and rituals of Hajj, the origin of the rituals, the number of days as mentioned in the Quran, the process of Hajj and what we as Muslims should do during the first 10 days in the month of Zulhijjah or Dhul-Hijjah according to Quran and Hadith.
Click on the image to view high resolution.
Thanks to my friend, Harith for the idea of coming up with this Islamic style infographic.
I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to share with the rest of the world.
salam adlan,
cantik la and nice.buat guna apa? adobe photoshop?
Slm. Terima kasih. Yang ni buat guna Adobe Illustrator.
Thanks Adlan
Assalamualaikum Adlan, this is very nicely done! Have you submitted this to
Oh there’s such a website. I wish I can submit mine but do they accept one in Malay language?
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