
Anything that happen in the world. What happen when I involved in these activities

Seven times in Ta’aruf Week

Salam to all my friends and readers. Finally, I managed to join Taaruf Week for seven times which is my real last time. Its my graduation Taaruf anyway because I’ve just got graduated from IIUM after five colourful years. I love to get myself busy. The Taaruf Week as always is organised by S-DEV from 5th – 8th May 2009. So, what’s hot during Taaruf this time?

Pre-Marriage Course

Salam. I’ve been to Pre-Marriage Course on 29th to 30th March 2009. The course is organised by S-DEV and JAIS in Main Auditorium IIUM. I guess getting the certificate is like the first step to the gate of marriage.